

  • I know what you mean about chocolate! I had a mini choc bar and it tasted awful to me! But choclatey cake with fresh cream is still a weakness!!! Where I work is always celebrating something and they had a pizza day and I had a slice and didn't like it. I've always loved pizza! Many foods that I'd keep eating til they were…
  • Hmmm surprisingly I'm in Hufflepuff!
  • No expert here but you need protein to build muscle, lean or otherwise If you do weights and high resistance excercises you get bulky muscles, so yoga and and low resistance high calorie burning excercises result in lean muscles. You'd also need plenty veg (it's always a given!)
  • Wow that's some serious working out!!! Most I get is a few 100 calories extra. Maybe I'm logging it wrong.... I'll be starting at a gym this week we'll see how many extra calories I get :)
  • Congratulations!!! I hadn't been near a weighing scales to do a weigh in so I did it today and I've lost 10lbs! I love this site! :D You look fantastic keep up the good work!
  • I always bloat without fail each month. It's not just you, I retain loads of water
  • Hi! My names Fiona and I started just over 2 weeks ago. I never really took a serious stab at dieting but this site is giving the motivation to do it and do it properly. It makes it so much easier to plan your meals for day knowing how much calories you have left for the day, it's great! Just wondering out of experience…
    in Hello! Comment by FionaK1990 June 2011