Wrong kind of calories?

Hi everyone,

I'm staying under my calories most days now and doing ok on my MFP journey but am concerned I am not eating the right kind of foods. I'm guessing low calorie doesn't neccesarily mean good for you right?

Lots of my US friends eat sooo well but it all confuses me. Americans seem to be going for a really lean and toned look which I love and are not so concerned about just being skinny. That's just not the culture here and there is little advice about what to eat to stay healthy as well as lose weight.

Anyone got any advice or suggestions? Where do you get your eating inspiration from? Feel free to look at my food diary...

Tara x


  • sue26
    sue26 Posts: 412
    I think the lean and toned look is more from exercise than diet.:smile:
    You need to eat more fruit and veg to make sure you are getting enough nutrients:smile:
    Are you drinking enough water?
    That said if you are losing weight and are happy with what you are doing thats fine too:smile:
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    there is more to watch for than calories..when i first started, i was watching ONLY cals, then it went to cals and fat, now its mostly sodium..sodium is MY personal biggie..it may be low in fat and cals, but high in others, so just watch all the nutrients..best of luck
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    You need to get to your calorie goal. Way too many days under 1200 calories which is not good for you. You need to fuel your body with lean protein, fiber and water. I don't think I saw water entered at all. Water will flush away the sodium, extra water you are retained and hydrate your body. Got to keep up that protein as well, protein builds lean muscle and helps burn fat. Protein, fiber and water will also help keep you full throughout the day.

    Otherwise your fat, carb, etc, seemed to be within limits.

    So yes, what you eat does matter to some extent. It needs to have lean protein and fiber or try a supplement such as protein shakes or protein powder (25 grams or more of protein, 200 calories or less) to help you get up to your goals.

    That and some exercise should really help you in your journey!

    Best of Luck!
  • FionaK1990
    No expert here but you need protein to build muscle, lean or otherwise

    If you do weights and high resistance excercises you get bulky muscles, so yoga and and low resistance high calorie burning excercises result in lean muscles. You'd also need plenty veg (it's always a given!)