Lauren0822 Member


  • You can do this and we can help each other cause I need the support too!! If you ever want to go workout I am definitely up do going with you!! You got this!!
  • I would love to join if you are still looking for people. I am in my second week of P90x and have tried it before and dogged it through the 60 days that I finished, but I decided to start fresh and could use some motivation!!!
  • It was suggested to me by a doctor for weight loss but they were also trying to sell their services too so I don't know if it really works or not, not only the detox but the whole diet.
  • I will try to work on the recovery are right about that maybe it is to much!! Thank you!! :smile:
    in Stuck Comment by Lauren0822 July 2012
  • I am on medication for my thyroid but it doesn't make me feel any different and my doctor wont change my dose so that's a dead end and I eat about 1200 calories a day. The Medifast diet suggests 800 but that isn't really doing anything for me either, the only good thing about it is that it limits my carbs and ups my…
    in Stuck Comment by Lauren0822 July 2012
  • I am on the Medifast diet, so I don't report it on here as I do on their website and also Bodymedia but maybe I should post it here too!! :)
    in Stuck Comment by Lauren0822 July 2012