ChunkyChicTrying Member


  • Here are a few that are JUST COMMERCIAL LENGTH 1. March / Step in place --Commericals roughly 2 mins over a few hours and wella you got a half hour 2. Dance to 1 song at your own speed, keep your ipod next to you commercial comes on dance to what ever song is playing like it or not 3. Do the head / shoulders knees and toes…
  • Oh, I can honestly say sister I have been in your shoes many a time, here are two ways I have over come this. 1st I do every thing I can on my power and drink as much water as I need to to stay full and not wanting anything. 2nd Option buy it literally cut off a bite and I mean a small bite, then throw the rest in the…
  • You are a super hero, mom to 3, wife to 1, work out six days a week and your asking us for a magic potion?? HUNNY BRAVO to you for your efforts and all you do! HUGS to you for even getting to the gym, and CHEERS from all that you put in what looks like amazing workouts on top of all your other duties plus work.... DO what…
  • I think this is very individual based on the personal diet you are following, for myself I am doing Medifast and I average about 950 calories a day, carbs at 80-85 and my fat grams under 25, but my protien is at about 140 grams or more a day. I know not the answer your looking fur but more so an explanation of just how…
  • Hey All, I started July 13th 2010, lost 75lbs by January 1, 2011 then fell off for 6 months, but I am back on my plan and loosing again I still have 100+ to go and can use all the friends and help I too can get count me in, please all just add a chica ok! Hearts and Hugs Chunky
  • Serene Hunny, I didnt yet take the time to read everyones respond to you, but being a BBW myself and losing 70lbs+ thus far, I have a few bits of *Hefty Hunnies* Love for you.... 1st the easiest way to break your scale addiction is to look at it the way i look at my food addiction and its something like this... I fisr had…