foxsr295 Member


  • I'm weighing myself this morning as I haven't had a scale. I'm sure I've gained weight, so...
  • How do you change your move goals?
  • You can count me in. I started a while back, had cancer, survived, and now I'm back! Here's to healthy lives and healthy weight loss! Diane
    in Hola Comment by foxsr295 January 2013
  • Stress eating is my downfall! Keep the faith! I know it's not as appetizing, but fruit and raw veggies give you the crunch and sweet taste. I hope this helps. I need to take my own advice!
  • I am impressed with YOU! 90 pounds!!! Awesome! That evening I had fish without breading and a salad. Today has been great and I have made my lunch for tomorrow. Thank you for your wisdom. Diane
  • I am starting Curves in October when my insurance kicks in. I think I am back on track, but I will keep your suggestions ready. Thank you.
  • I am forgiven. :happy:
  • My 'tomorrow' was much better!
  • Thank you. I am back on track.
  • I definitely enjoyed it! 28 pounds will eventually be a memory. I need to lose so much more!
  • I usually decide what I will eat before I even walk into a restaurant, but with the workshop I was attending, the last minute decision to go to Applebees, and my phone battery dieing, I made a bad but delicious decision. I learned!
  • Thank you so much! I do know that today I did really well. :smile: I was so overwhelmed that I freaked out! I have lost 28 lbs. but the most important thing is that my blood sugar has really gone down and I am much more healthy. I appreciate all of the encouragement. We are all in this together and I love my MFP friends…
  • CRody44, Pasta is really a problem. Unfortunately I absolutely love it!!!! I have used Sunlite potatoes instead. I put my heart smart spaghetti sauce over a baked potato. I love it like that also. I am really excited that I am losing weight AND my numbers are going down. My goal is to be off my meds by Christmas (or at…
  • This sounds like the right place for me! This will be my 7th year teaching in a low SES middle school. I teach Tier 1 reading to students who don't read well and don't want to read. They are with me for two periods every day. School starts for teachers Monday with a breakfast for teachers and staff! If they have the…
  • My reading this morning was 115 and I am happy! I am watching my carbs and calories and have lost 20 lbs. My readings were very high when I started, and am surprised that by cutting down on carbs, my success rate has been this good. I don't play games at all. This is my life and Kraft is rarely a part of it.
  • No matter what, you can use your arms. My husband has had 4 surgeries in 3 years and cannot exert much as far as walking, but the doctor told him that his arms aren't injured, so exercise can happen. Since then, he has lost about 10 pounds in 5 weeks. He watches his carbs and calories. He isn't hungry very often, but we…
  • I, too, went through all the fad diets, but they don't work. Watching carbs and calories works! Making healthy food choices is the way to a healthy life. We're in this together.
  • I am in awe! You keep doing what you are doing. It is working. Bravo!