It's been a week...

Well I've been here a week now and I'm wondering if it's worth it. I'm not feeling very supported so far.
I think I'm going to give it another week and then decide if I'm going to delete my account.
On Thursday I fell. My 18 month old son and I were walking to the post office about 2 blocks from my house. (Well I was carrying him) and we had to walk in someones yard to get out of the way of a car. Well that person didnt have their yard mowed very well, and I didnt see the drainage hole...or whatever it is. Anyways we fell, and I cut up my foot really bad. Dr said it *should* be stitched up but because of where it is cut, it would just rip open again every time I walk. So she used those sterry (sp?) strips instead. It hurts SO BAD to put any kind of pressure on it! Does anyone know of anything I can do to stay active...without really putting pressure on my foot?

I'm doing POP Pilates right now...But I like to switch it up some. I'm getting a little bored with the pilates!


  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Owwwww!! How long until it heals? Biking might be okay, or some yoga/pliates that allow you to lie down.

    How come you're not feeling supported? :(
  • foxsr295
    foxsr295 Posts: 21 Member
    No matter what, you can use your arms. My husband has had 4 surgeries in 3 years and cannot exert much as far as walking, but the doctor told him that his arms aren't injured, so exercise can happen. Since then, he has lost about 10 pounds in 5 weeks. He watches his carbs and calories. He isn't hungry very often, but we have figured out what snacks he can eat. Please know that even if you chase your little one around, that is exercise. Until your foot heals, just relax and love you baby.

    I support you! You can get through this! :love:
  • Bakins929
    Bakins929 Posts: 895 Member
    Do you have any resistance bands or dumbbells? You can do a lot of upper body work without even standing.
    Check out these links for some ideas:
  • maureendonahue
    maureendonahue Posts: 468 Member
    Sorry you fell. It must have been scary, especially with your baby in your arms. I was 7 months pregnant with my second when I fell and got a roofing nail in my thigh. I had my oldest with me, but at least wasn't carrying him! Luckily, we heal pretty quickly if we do what the doctor says!

    I don't have any real exercise ideas for you except perhaps to modify some aerobic DVD's to do while sitting. (Think something like wheelchair aerobics.) My son has very limited mobility due to a car accident 5 years ago, and it is what he does for exercise.

    If you would would like more support, feel free to friend me!

    Good luck to you in your recovery.
  • jennykling
    jennykling Posts: 44 Member
    If you have any hand weights (or soup cans) work your upper body. If you are not sure what type of strength training to do there are plenty of sites on the internet (shape magazine) or dvds. Swimming would be excellent if you have a way to do that. Don't give up hopefully the foot will heal soon and you can be back to putting weight on that foot. I understand that you need support but from experience you need to be motivated within yourself to make a healthy life style change. Until you are ready it wont happen. This site is a great resource! You can do it.
  • wlddove
    wlddove Posts: 85 Member
    Ooh, ow. Hope you heal quickly!!

    Jillian Michaels says that doing punches (like, punching your fists in the air) while staying in a squat position is really good for cardio. That guy on the last season of The Biggest Loser lost a lot of weight that way.

    Hope you start finding the site more useful. I think it's great. But, it is what you make of it. I've found a lot of supportive people... but I had to find them and friend request them first. I usually looked for people responding to these boards, and if I found someone who responded in a way I liked, or who was in a similar situation as I was, then I requested them. You can add me if you'd like.

    Best of luck to you!!!
  • whimsy38
    whimsy38 Posts: 158 Member
    Ow! I know it can be hard to adjust when you had a plan, but take a deep breath. It is just as important to work on healthy eating, muscle tone, and flexibility. All of which you can do from a sitting position.

    Feel free to add me if you want another MFP buddy:smile:
  • I'm not sure why you're not feeling supported- are YOU taking the initiative to seek out friendships? If I'd have waited for a bunch of strangers to invite ME in, I'd probably not have anyone on "my team" - and all it takes is a few genuine people. Some are looking for a fan club.

    Perhaps you might want to seek out people whom YOU can support- that takes the focus off ourselves. And that, then, becomes a great foundation for solid friendships.

    Along with this journey, it is up to each person to walk it alone- those here for support are just that- SUPPORT. No one can carry US- and each of us is responsible for the time and effort we ourselves put into it.

    Good friends can tell you the honest truth- encourage you when you need it, but not always coddle- and hold you accountable for what YOU are capable of controlling.

    Make your profile more open, and seek out friendships. I'm not one to befriend someone who stays locked behind a closed door- I doubt you would be either.
  • rhonda1960
    rhonda1960 Posts: 58 Member
    Lay in the floor and do leg lifts or the bicycle in the air. At the gym we did about 20 minutes in the floor and it was really a workout for me.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I'm not sure why you're not feeling supported- are YOU taking the initiative to seek out friendships? If I'd have waited for a bunch of strangers to invite ME in, I'd probably not have anyone on "my team" - and all it takes is a few genuine people. Some are looking for a fan club.

    Perhaps you might want to seek out people whom YOU can support- that takes the focus off ourselves. And that, then, becomes a great foundation for solid friendships.

    Along with this journey, it is up to each person to walk it alone- those here for support are just that- SUPPORT. No one can carry US- and each of us is responsible for the time and effort we ourselves put into it.

    Good friends can tell you the honest truth- encourage you when you need it, but not always coddle- and hold you accountable for what YOU are capable of controlling.

    Make your profile more open, and seek out friendships. I'm not one to befriend someone who stays locked behind a closed door- I doubt you would be either.

    exactly =)