

  • Tonight I actually decided to go to Applebee's tonight versus my favorite restaurant Arirang Hibachi Steakhouse because at least at "The Bee's" I can get the calorie info where I cant get squat out of the people at "The Rang" on whats in their food! Im still going to eat the bazillian calorie spinach dip - but at least its…
  • Fish of pretty much any kind, I can only stomach fried shrimp and the frozen fish sticks which I know arent the slightest bit good for you! I love raw tomato's - cant stand them cooked unless in a completely thin sauce Peppers - all peppers - hate them Liver, beans, fruits except watermelon and strawberries, yogurt, any…
  • An 8 ounce soda in a can is ALL soda An 8 ounce fountain drink is a lot of ice and probably about 3-4 ounces of soda
  • Every single day......several times a day. When I walk out of my office for lunch and try to figure out what isnt total poison to eat. When I get home and stare at the fridge or cabinets and try to come up with what to have for dinner. Walking the aisles endlessly in the supermarket trying to figure out what to buy in…
  • I have the same issue, even if I keep the calories down by eating all my junk at lunch (since I am forced to get fast food every day) I max out and go over my carbs, salts and saturated fats. The only way I am able to control this is by cooking at home.....chicken, vegtables I find keeping strawberries and watermelon (my…
  • I have PCOS - Im basically incapacitated day 1 - I stay home with a constant supply of midol, advil and a heating pad strapped to me! Day 2 I try to get back on the elliptical..........by day 3 I am back in my normal routine.
  • I'm bumping cause Im interested to see if anyone else has tried this diet.
  • I had the same problem - water is gross. I LOVE the Propel Zero........I treat the grape flavor as a little bonus, even a snack all by itself. Because the sodium is so high though I try to limit it.......I personally find all the flavors but the grape to be too sweet for me so what I have done to supplement is I will buy…
  • Oh no, no, no.....the place isnt filthy. Its the nature of the business and area we are in. Most of our building and the surrounding buildings are warehouses..........there isnt much you can do about keeping pests and bugs out of warehouses, especially those that have trucks in and out all day and the dock doors remain…
  • I was doing about the same thing......working out tons, behaving with food to an almost OCD level and nothing was happening. Everyone kept saying to me "maybe your loosing inches" but my old pants still dont button so........nope I went through my food and noticed I drink little to no water, I started really making an…
  • Thanks for all the suggestions......my situation is a little more annoying than was stated. Due to the large warehouse attached to our building there is a strict policy of no coolers, food, bags etc in the building, there is just a small coffee area and all that is there is the coffee and the powered milk (gross). We get…