

  • I am in :) Not sure if I can quite match the entire challenge, but I will come as close as I can. Thanks for the challenge!
  • Hello! Long time no see :) Things have been crazy hectic with a new job, a move and other assorted life things. I am holding my own through many missed workouts and not the best eating schedule. It is starting to settle down somewhat, so going to start making the time to journal my meals again, it truly does keep me on…
  • MNM, glad your hubby is doing well. So impressive on how you are managing your health amidst all the chaos. I like the lean cuisine idea, I may do some of that in the coming weeks! Fitn, Brazil sounds interesting! I have not added anything new at this point, I haven't had time, lol! Hi everyone :) Things are crazy with a…
  • Hi Fitn. I am also not weighing until the end of May, for similar reasons :) The MWHBB does have cardio, and it is an effective workout. It is just not quite 'it', if you know what I mean. I like to use it on days when I am not all that motivated because it is only 20 minutes but covers all the bases, lol. I am rotating…
  • Fitn: Congrats on the loss! I am glad you have found your way through the blasted plateau! Me next, me next! LOL! Rockin Body sounds like a good program and I am looking for new cardio. I think you are right, my body is just not responding. I think it is bored. I am also looking at adding QiGong. I think a change up is…
  • Hi everyone! Sorry I have been MIA for a bit, life has been interesting to say the least! I have been offered a position that is filled with potential and opportunity. It is going to be a lot of blood/sweat/tears for the first few months. It also requires relocating about 130 miles north of where I am now. Big changes!…
  • Happy Tuesday! Thought I would check in and post what I have been doing/plan for the rest of the week. I tell you what, I am SORE! Sunday was my first run of the 'season' (I am a fair weather runner, lol) and holy smokes! My legs, my bum....OUCH! LOL! 3.5 miles at a 13 min mile pace is turtle-slow, but it felt good to be…
  • Well, last week was one of the worst for me in a long while. My eating was horrid, and I didn't even try to fix it. Not sure what was going on, but I just felt out of sorts and irritated with myself and in the way of cutting off my nose to spite my face, I sank into that with a sick kind of glee. Oy. My logging was…
  • Welcome back, Fitn :D I like your thought process on the moving more, and I have to agree. My job keeps me sedentary for several hours a day, and I know that makes things more challenging. Now that there is light at the other end of the day, I am very much looking forward to resuming my evening walks in addition to my…
  • Well, here we are at the start of a new week? How are you all doing? I am having some challenges finding my groove (again). Seems to be a recurring theme for me *sigh* I have looked at my food intake and adjusted some things, but I am thinking I may just be at the level my body wants to stay. I always said that I would be…
  • Fitn: We will be here for you, take a sabbatical...refresh and rejuvenate. I do believe we can try *too* hard. You will find your groove, I have no doubt. Meanwhile, I will be cheering you from here :flowerforyou: Lovestobaketo: Looks like a nice week ahead of you! I am waiting for the weather to nice itself up a bit…
  • Hi ladies! Sorry for the late post, I have grandbabies in da house! Sherrill: That is a lot of races, holy smokes! So very cool that you take your grands to these events :) What wonderful memories for them, and it will surely impact their healthy future :flowerforyou: Fitn: I did get the replacement, I love it! It is very…
  • Sherrill: It sounds like you are very pleased with your HIIT workout, I am very impressed with the paces you put your body through. I have heard of the Paleo diet. I do agree that processed foods are not the best choice and try to eat as 'clean' as possible. Fitn: My copy of Remix was defective :( it froze on me 10 minutes…
  • Fitn: great schedule this week! So the scales claim I have gained 2 lbs this week. I don't see how it is possible. My sodium was way high on Thursday due to prepared/processed food for the all day training/meeting so I am going to weigh again tomorrow and see. Also is TOM and I am sure that plays a part. It is so damn…
  • Hi all! Sorry, I have been super busy and haven't checked in for a few days. Patton: Welcome! Post up your workout, I would love to see what you do! Finally busted the latest plateau and am back to pre holiday weight, YAY! Next goal is to get under 150. I think the use of the HRM, along with refocusing on strength…
  • Fitn: I sometimes feel a bit like a mad scientist using myself as my own research project, do you? LOL! I am getting Jillians book today, it sounds like there may be some good advice in there. I am really liking the Mama workout. She packs a lot into 20 minutes! I am going to transition them into my main workout for the…
  • Sherrill: Sorry for your frustrations, we all can relate! Take comfort in the fact that you *are* doing everything right and over time that will work to your benefit. Your runs are fantastic, keep it up! Here is to some positive return on your investment in yourself :flowerforyou: Update: I think I need to separate…
  • Thought I would make a separate post for my review of the new workout, Mama Wants Her Body Back. (In this case it is Mima (grandma) but that is splitting hairs, lol) So, as you may know, I succumbed to an early morning infomercial to get this workout. I had buyers remorse within 24 hours, lol, but I decided because it was…
  • MNM: Good for you that you are keeping moving! You are very inspiring. I wish I could get my mom to see that any movement helps. (she suffers from fibromialga (sp?) among other things) It is great that you are sticking to a healthy eating plan, I really hope your doc can help narrow down the sensitivities, how frustrating…
  • Fitn: So sorry about your toe! Ouch! Take it easy so you don't hurt yourself further :) To answer your question, I work out in the mornings, generally before breakfast. I am thinking that this could be part of my issue, as well, because I am not eating until sometimes 2 hours or more after waking. This week I am going to…
  • Very happy you are getting the results you have been busting your bum for! YAY! I appreciate any feedback! I do know I have been sliding toward more processed type foods of late, and I know that is not good so am really trying to focus on that. Also realized my wine/dark habit has been creeping up on the portions, going to…
  • Welcome FTDiver! Cute avi :) You have a great swim schedule! Sherrill: Veggie wraps...YUM! Congrats for staying on track! Fitn: These days happen, which makes it all the more important to be focused on the long term goal. I am struggling a bit myself and have been reminding me that I feel better, I breathe better, I look…
  • Hi everyone! Sounds like we all needed to take it down a notch. Sherrill: Nice walking week :happy: Fitn: Your lightened workout schedule looks great! I purchased an HRM to help me dial in on what parts of my goals (fitness/eating) are causing me to stall. This morning I got the thing programmed correctly (finally!) and it…
  • Fitn: Sometimes the universe gives you suggestions, lol. Sounds like a good plan to give yourself a break. Thanks for the feedback on Kettleworx, I will definitely look around some more. Do you have a particular KBell workout you would recommend? I am enjoying Kettlenetics but I know I will outgrow it quickly. I hope your…
  • HI! Fitn; looks like a great plan for the week. The book sounds interesting, I will look for a copy. Unfortunately, the Wendy Ida book was a flop for me. Just not interesting, nothing new *sigh* Here is my plan for the week: Today: 40 min TJ2, 20 min yoga Tues: 40 min kettlenetcs, 20 min TJ Wed: Amy Dixon-50 min circuit,…
  • Hey MnM! Great to see you :smile: Basically, we try to challenge ourselves in new ways every month, always seeking that combination that makes things 'click' for our ol' bods :laugh: Post up what is working for you! Glad to see you are back and feeling better! Thanks for the suggestion, I am back on track for the most…
  • My last post disappeared :huh: Sherrill: Welcome back! I am looking forward to seeing your posts again, always inspirational! Sounds like you had a great trip! Michelle: Looks like you have a great workout week planned! Popcorn is not so bad, but homemade cookies...ouch, I feel that pain, lol! Lily: Welcome! Fitn: Super…
  • Welcome Lily! Fitn: I hope you feel better soon, it sucks to be sick! In my post I was referring both to burn out and over-working. I have done both. An HRM is in my future, I am thinking that will help me refine the calorie in/out for sure. Today an tomorrow are both going to be 'off days' for me, I have been sore since…
  • Hi Michelle! It is never too late :) Welcome to the group! What types of workouts do you enjoy?