40+ Workout Challenge (New Every Month)!



  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Okay, I had a cold, which I had to nurse yesterday. I hit the Wellness Formula and extra vitamins and wallah - better in the morning and did a killer workout.

    I ended up buying one more Jillian workout set - Killer Buns and Thighs. This is my tough area, so I might as well target it more. The workout was killer! I was dripping badly, and it is cold in my house right now so I know it was the workout. :tongue:

    mspix - If you want, I can take a closer look at your food intake. I didn't want to get too into it before, but I remember seeing some things that could be tweaked that would help a bit. I think I finally figured out what it takes to shed the weight and get the metabolism in gear. Take a look at the list of suggestions I typed out for us. This stuff really works!

    I am in that time of the month week, so no results are showing at the moment, but since I am lighter than last month at this time, I have a feeling I will be even lighter coming out of it. I hope to make my first big goal soon, which is the 5 pounds I have been trying to get off for 2 years. I'm close!

    Sherrill - You continue to amaze me. I see you are jogging now. Awesome!

    Oh, exciting news. For an out of the blue present (which my fiance loves to do for me), he had a friend that was getting rid of a brand new George Foreman grill. I had yummy grilled chicken and green beans last night. Low fat and calories. Booyah!
  • lovestobaketoo
    lovestobaketoo Posts: 76 Member
    Okay here is my goal for the week--
    Sunday off
    Monday stair master w/ weights
    Tuesday boot camp 55 minutes
    Wednesday yoga 45 minutes
    Thursday walk 45-60 minutes
    Friday either a class ( saw on board new classes starting this week ) or bike
    Saturday I NEED to start running again, will give it a go:)

    I need to look at my food combo better with the 40/30/30 mix, great idea!! I know I should up my fiber, just have to get creative with this.

    Have a GREAT week girls:flowerforyou:
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    mspix - If you want, I can take a closer look at your food intake. I didn't want to get too into it before, but I remember seeing some things that could be tweaked that would help a bit. I think I finally figured out what it takes to shed the weight and get the metabolism in gear. Take a look at the list of suggestions I typed out for us. This stuff really works!
    Very happy you are getting the results you have been busting your bum for! YAY!
    I appreciate any feedback! I do know I have been sliding toward more processed type foods of late, and I know that is not good so am really trying to focus on that. Also realized my wine/dark habit has been creeping up on the portions, going to peel that back some as well. Since I have started keeping better tabs on sodium, I am truly amazed at how much of that stuff is in everything! Really going to tackle that one!
    Last week was more challenging than usual, it seemed that we were eating out a lot, both planned an unplanned.

    lovestobake: Great schedule!

    Here is my week:
    Sunday: off
    Monday: Kettlenetics-40 min
    Tuesday: TJ 40 min
    Wednesday: Amy Dixon
    Thursday: Kettlenetics
    Friday: TJ
    Saturday: TBD

    I have a new workout on its way...very spontaneous, early morning, infomercial purchase:blushing: I generally don't do that kind of shopping. But is seemed pertinent to where I am right now, and the challenges that we all have been having...time will tell. If nothing else, it will be a nice change of pace and something new to add in. If you are interested in looking:

    For what it is worth, I don't believe in quick fixes and I am not aiming for the 10lbs in 8 weeks. I am interested in the different workout based on the changes that pregnancy forces onto the body.
  • lovestobaketoo
    lovestobaketoo Posts: 76 Member
    Great goal!! We have to be real with ourselves, 10 pounds in 8 weeks is a lot of pressure, who needs that?!?!
    Keep on tracking and eating good food and you will see results:)
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    I'm going to be slow this week. I hurt one of my toes on my right foot. I was kicking the vacuum switch off, and I misjudged the kick and ended up kicking into the wall a bit. I heard a crack, but thank goodness, it is not broken.

    I think I can do kettlebell and some rowing, which is what I am doing right now. I'll see if I can do more walking later this week. So, no posting a schedule this week since I need to play it by ear (or toe).

    mspix - I think you already know what would be good to change. What time of the day do you work out? The new workout looks very balanced! Let us know if you like it.

    lovestobake -Looks like a great schedule!

    Have a great week!
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Fitn: So sorry about your toe! Ouch! Take it easy so you don't hurt yourself further :)
    To answer your question, I work out in the mornings, generally before breakfast. I am thinking that this could be part of my issue, as well, because I am not eating until sometimes 2 hours or more after waking. This week I am going to split my breakfast in half, eating part before my workout and part after and see if that makes a difference.
    I know from my own research on metabolism that you should eat within an hour to an hour and a half on waking in order to get it going.
  • lovestobaketoo
    lovestobaketoo Posts: 76 Member
    mspix, I too eat after I workout, I do not think I can get up an earlier to eat! I have heard you should eat an hour to an hour and a half upon waking. Oh well! Keep us posted on how it plays out.

    Sorry to hear about your toe! Better wrap it and keep it up!! Good luck!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Mspix - Ahhh! That does make a difference. I also used to workout early and ate later, and I was stuck! That is a good observation.

    Lovestobake - thank you!

    I feel like I have been eating more, but hopefully I'm not gaining weight. My clothes feel a little looser so maybe not.

    I was able to do a walking dvd today for about 30 min. The toe is getting better, but I can't go hardcore yet, so I guess I get a break from Jillian and sadly a break from Chalene. I can't go on that foot for too long - too much weight on it.

    Thank goodness for kettlebell!
    MNMJUNKIE Posts: 26 Member
    Hey Everyone:smile:

    Sorry I have not been on here at all!! I read some of your posts so I can see what your all doing as far workouts and stuff!! Sometimes its very difficult for me to plan out what Im gonna do...I never know how I am going to feel! I've been dealing with stomach pain issues and migraines for almost a month now..I struggle thru whatever workouts I am doing..and yes, i am doing them..People ask me why and how am I doing workouts with a migraine but I tell them if I didn't when would I get any exercise? Am i supposed to lie arounf for 3 weeks and do nothing because of it?? I cant do that...You guys know that if you didn't do anything for 3 or more weeks you'd be gaining weight and losing muscle..I refuse to have to start all over again after I have worked so hard...So this is what Im struggling with now..I have to go back to my Doc cuz something feels terribly wrong..I dont know if its a Lupus issue or something entirely separate, and thats the scary part...I have kept some of my workouts n the mild side..like just walking and yoga...but Im trying to keep up with my weight lifting because that is what is getting my metabolism pumping!!

    My eating is pretty much good...I dont eat much in the way of processed stuff!! I have cut way back on dairy because of my stomach but now am not sure if its something else! I may have the Doc check for gluten sensitivity as well! Im almost afraind to eat at this point because the pain is so bad sometimes..I have been eating much more in the way of fresh fruit and veggies! I still have a weakness for sweets but I have cut way back on that stuff! :smile:

    So today, I did 35 min on the stationary bike,and 40 min of circuit training with weights..
    Monday: 30 min on Elliptical/yoga 30-40 min
    Tuesday:walk on treadmill w/incline intervals- 40 min/stretching (work day so have to keep it easy)
    Wednesday: 30 min stationary bike/ 40 min circuit training w/weights
    Thursday: Kettlebell workout DVD
    Friday: 30 min elliptical/yoga abs/stretching(work day)
    Saturday:40-50 min walk treadmill w/incline intervals/stretching

    Have a great day all!

    Anyway, thanx for listening
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    MNM - It is good that you keep working out since it might help you feel better with the natural endorphins. I do hope you and your doc can figure out what is causing those migraines. I get them every once in a while, and I know how awful they are. It usually is due to not enough water and too many sugars/glutens for me.

    I'm glad to see yoga on your list of workouts. Have you tried meditation to help during the migraines? Sometimes this helps me, as well as acupressure points.

    My toe was feeling better, but then I pulled a muscle in my shoulder/back area. It took a couple of days for this one to heal a bit. I think next week I will finally be fairly normal, but I will take it a bit easy.

    Sunday - Rowing 34 min
    Monday - TJ 20 min/ TJ 3T
    Tuesday - HHA Total Body 40 min.
    Wednesday - Kettlebell 40 min.
    Thursday - Walk Slim 3-5 miles with toning band
    Friday - Day off or 30 Day Ripped level 2
    Saturday - Day off or 30 Day Ripped level 2

    I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
  • mamag15
    mamag15 Posts: 9 Member
    can't get motivated.haven't been on my stationary bike in weeks. I am gaining weight and it is very depressing and
    some days I just don't feel like doing anything. I started out good,but then I falter. This is going on
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    MNM: Good for you that you are keeping moving! You are very inspiring. I wish I could get my mom to see that any movement helps. (she suffers from fibromialga (sp?) among other things) It is great that you are sticking to a healthy eating plan, I really hope your doc can help narrow down the sensitivities, how frustrating that must be! Keep up the good work, I am cheering you on! Your schedule looks great!

    Fitn: Glad your toe is better! Looks like you have a well rounded week planned.

    Mamag15: Welcome to our group. I am sorry you are having motivation trouble. I have been there, as have many others. Sometimes the overall goal can be very overwhelming. One thing that really helped me was narrowing my focus. Instead of concentrating on the end result, I am trying to work on one thing at a time. One to get started might be just moving for 10 minutes a day, whether it be a walk outside, marching in place while watching a program, pulling some weeds...after a week of that, add in one more mini goal, for instance, increasing water intake along with your 10 minutes. As time moves on and you continue to make one or two small changes at a time, you will start to feel more confident. Stick around we will cheer you on :flowerforyou:

    Here is my week:
    Monday: Nada, zippo, zilch! Well, I had the gbabies, so I was moving, lol.
    Tuesday: New workout: Mama Wants Her Body Back 20 min, Turbo Jam 20 min
    Wednesday: Kettlebell 40 min
    Thursday: MWHBB 20 min, Yoga 20 min
    Friday: MWHBB 20 min, Amy Dixon 20 Min
    Sat: Turbo Jam 40 min or long walk depending on weather
    Sun: TBD
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Thought I would make a separate post for my review of the new workout, Mama Wants Her Body Back. (In this case it is Mima (grandma) but that is splitting hairs, lol)

    So, as you may know, I succumbed to an early morning infomercial to get this workout. I had buyers remorse within 24 hours, lol, but I decided because it was less than $20, I could give it a try and return it if I didn't care for it.

    Truly, I expected to be disappointed and really did not think I would find the workout as challenging as I like. I consider myself an intermediate to advanced exerciser, and I wasn't sure this workout would keep my interest or challenge my body enough.

    Much to my pleasant surprise, I found the workout to be fun, challenging, and most importantly NOT BORING!!! In 20 minutes she has you warm up, then do 5 rounds of 3 sets of intervals; 1 cardio, 1 strength, 1 core. You are not doing any one exercise long enough to get bored, the moves are simple to follow but build to very intense. There is a modifier to follow if need be, and similar to the Turbo series, there is a timer on the bottom of the screen to watch your progress. The entire workout you are using a band, as well. Sometimes just holding it to keep your arms/shoulders engaged, sometimes actively using it. She (the instructor, can't think of her name, sorry) works out the entire time and is encouraging without being irritatingly perky.

    For those of us (Fitn, lol) that get bored easily, this is a GREAT workout. There are three different 20 minute total body workouts, three 10 minute ab workouts, and a Get Your Booty back' workout in this set. I am looking forward to doing them all.
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 322 Member
    Been a little MIA on this thread for a while. Sorry! I'm a bit frustrated. I'm working my butt off and not really showing anything for the effort being put in. I'm gonna mix things up, yet again, and see if anything helps. I'm also due for my annual check up so I'm going to question how hormonal changes affect the body/weight loss process and see if I can learn anything new. TOM this past week and up 6 freaking lbs. Yes, I know...water, but STILL...so frustrated!

    On the upside: took a spontaneous overnight trip to the beach Sunday and had a great time. Flew kites and played on the beach with the girls. It was cold but still a lot of fun. Then after driving/sightseeing for 6 hours home, I unloaded the car and turned around and went directly to the Y! :smile: Ran 3 miles in 31mins.

    Did ST tonight as well as a 2 mile run and 7 miles on the bike.

    So, I'm still here, still doing the "right" thing although the amount of rightness is rather questionable at this moment!

    Glad you are all doing so well!!! I've got a lot of reading to catch up on all of you!

    Take care!
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Sherrill: Sorry for your frustrations, we all can relate! Take comfort in the fact that you *are* doing everything right and over time that will work to your benefit. Your runs are fantastic, keep it up! Here is to some positive return on your investment in yourself :flowerforyou:
    Here is my week:
    Monday: Nada, zippo, zilch! Well, I had the gbabies, so I was moving, lol.
    Tuesday: New workout: Mama Wants Her Body Back 20 min, Turbo Jam 20 min
    Wednesday: Kettlebell 40 min
    Thursday: MWHBB 20 min, Yoga 20 min
    Friday: MWHBB 20 min, Amy Dixon 20 Min
    Sat: Turbo Jam 40 min or long walk depending on weather
    Sun: TBD

    Update: I think I need to separate Kettlebell and the Mama workout...my arms were quite sore today and I wasn't able to push myself as much as I like. So going to switch things around a bit going forward. Tomorrow will be a Turbo day instead of my original plan!

    Hope you all are doing well!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Mspix- that was so sweet giving flowers to Sherrill. She deserves them and more! Good decision for changing your workouts around. I can't wait to hear about your results from the new workout!

    Sherrill- I hear you. It sounds like you may want to take a closer look at all the factors. You are exercising and eating healthy, and now you can look at the times you are eating and working out and see if you can make any changes that will help. The Jillian book - Master Your Metabolism gives some fantastic advice in this area. :flowerforyou:

    I am back doing Jillian workouts and I am adding a fun workout in the morning. So my schedule is a bit different than what I posted.

    I am still researching workout programs. I was considering going nuts with Insanity, but not sure. Jillian also has a 60 day program, but I will probably need a break from her after a while. Maybe TurboFire since I have become more advanced. I can always modify a bit since I know the moves. Or perhaps some Amy Dixon and more kettlebell workouts.

    Also for our March challenge, I might want to help us all by posting a good workout eating schedule according to metabolism suggestions. What time do you all workout?
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 322 Member
    Thanks for the support, guys! Appreciate it!

    I have downloaded the Metabolism book (couple weeks ago) and am plowing through it now. I'm going to take measurements later tonight. It's been a while so maybe that will make me feel better :smile: .

    I had a great workout today. The Y was empty this morning and the more I did, the better I felt...so I just kept going!!! (picture Energizer Bunny here) I've drank a ton of water to help heal those muscles that I abused and will try to get some extra sleep tonight to refresh and replenish!

    Take care guys, and have a great week!
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Fitn: I sometimes feel a bit like a mad scientist using myself as my own research project, do you? LOL! I am getting Jillians book today, it sounds like there may be some good advice in there.

    I am really liking the Mama workout. She packs a lot into 20 minutes! I am going to transition them into my main workout for the next month and see what happens. I will fill in with some TJ, Kettlebell, and try to increase the Yoga again. Also looking for a good Tai Chi dvd.

    As to your question, my main workouts are in the morning, but with longer days I will be adding evening walks again.

    Sherrill: Glad you are feeling more positive! I have come to accept that there are roadblocks at many turns and to not be discouraged (too much) but instead to look for a new way around.

    Here is my plan for the upcoming week:

    Monday: 20 min TJ/20 min Mama
    Tuesday: 20 min ?/20 min Yoga
    Wednesday: 20 min TJ/20 min Mama
    Thursday: 40 min TJ
    Friday: 20 min Mama/20 min Yoga
    Sat: TBD (if the weather is nice, hopefully a walk/jog!)
    Sunday: day off

    Also going to really try to hit my water mark, that is something I don't pay close enough attention to.

    Have a great week all!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    I have been thinking about our March challenge which is coming up fast! After a February of taking it a little easier, I think we need to go for it in March:

    March Challenge

    5-10 min. Meditation/Intention for the day
    6-8 glasses of water
    6 meals a day with carbs (whole grains/veggies/fruit)/protein (lean meats, nuts, legumes, some dairy)/fat balance in 40/30/30
    No eating after 9 pm
    5-10 min. Gratitude/Prayer/Positive Thoughts

    5 days a week: 20-30 min. Cardio in morning and 30-40 min. Circuit training later in the day
    1 day a week Yoga/Pilates and or Tai Chi
    1 day off

    I have my month planned out, and it is going to be tough! The cardio workout will be fun, but the circuit training is either a Jillian workout or 40 min. of Kettlebell.

    I want some results next month. It's my birthday month so it would be a great gift to myself.

    Let me know what you think.
  • patton2012
    im not over 40 but thats a great workout chart i will try it myself...:))