40+ Workout Challenge (New Every Month)!



  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Monday and Tuesday has been extremely busy, but I managed to do the 30 Day Shred. Tomorrow I want to do something else, maybe plus the 30 Day Shred. We shall see. I still want to do my 10 min. of Yoga stretches so I can be on the challenge schedule.

    Sherrill - I had no idea how much navigation was involved for your surgery. Do you have a gym near by you with the arm bicycle machines? They work really well for getting your heart rate up for cardio. Here is a list of things I did when I couldn't walk:

    1. Arm bicycle machine.
    2. Kickboxing workouts while sitting on my butt - upper body only
    3. Kettlebell workouts - upper body only
    4. Strength training moves sitting in a chair (yeah, like the cheesy sit and be fit videos)
    5. Floor Pilates
    6. Ab work
    7. When my foot was a little better - rowing machine with wrapped foot to cushion it.

    If I think of anything else, I'll let you know. Something was better than nothing. I tried doing Yoga thinking it would be okay, but most of the poses require feet. The Pilates was much easier. One word of warning, the elliptical machine was the worst! I thought it would be all low impact when I was ready, but the pushing of the foot to work it was very painful.

    mspix - I'll have to look out for the Booty Barre - that sounds intense! I don't really know Amy Dixon either. There are so many trainers out there.

    After this month, I will be on the hunt for another round of workouts. What is the latest craze these days? I don't think I want to get Turbo Fire. I once took Turbo Kick classes which are like the Fire routines, and I felt like a wind-up toy that was wound to fast. LOL! Anyway, let me know if you have any ideas for new workouts.

    Wonderful Wednesday to you!
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 322 Member
    Mon 12/12 - pre-op appt most of the day but managed to get some walking in
    Tue 12/13 - cleaning - it's that nesting thing knowing that I won't be able to do a thorough cleaning for a couple of weeks - heck, i even oiled my butcher block countertops! Crazy how our minds work!

    FitnFun: Thanks so much for the ideas. Yes, I do have access to arm bicycles at my Y. They have ones that are just arms and also a couple that have elliptical legs but while seated. Sounds promising. I have kettle bells and medicine balls of varying weights at home. I'm going to take a good 4 days with absolutely no exercise as a break to ensure that I give myself time to heal.

    James: Welcome - just sent you a friend request

    mspix: another funny kid story...eating out tonight, Kenzie was not eating and playing instead. I say "We are going to go home and go straight to bed because you are misbehaving" she responds "ok, thanks Grammy" - What the heck???:noway:
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Monday: 60 min: Amy Dixon Give Me 10 More
    Tuesday: 40 min: Turbo Cardio Party 2
    Wednesday: 60 min: Amy Dixon GM 10 More

    Sherrill: How frustrating on the rescheduling! I don't have any other suggestions regarding post surgery workouts, sounds like Fitn had some great ones!
    RE: kid story, LOL!
    I have one, too...My 5 y.o. gbaby girl, Jaiydann performed a cartwheel in her front room, then asked her mommy if she saw it. Her mommy replied 'no, I had my back turned'. Jaiydann responds, 'But you have eyes in the back of your head!'.
    Totally cracked me up!

    Fitn: I think you would find Booty Barre very challenging. It actually frustrated me on a couple of occasions, primarily because some of the positions are just really unfamiliar. I think, too, that knowing we have similar tastes, that you would like Amy Dixon. Her cuing is fantastic, she is very helpful without being over the top, the moves in the dvd I have are easy to learn, but very challenging to master. I may pick up more of her workouts.
    Here is a video clip: http://www.collagevideo.com/workout-video/amy-dixons-give-me-10-more-6012
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Sherrill - I am so glad you are getting ready while you can. I'm the same way. If I know I won't have the ability or time, I will clean. In fact, I have a funny habit. I clean my house before leaving on vacation. I can't stand coming home to a messy house. :tongue:

    mspix - Amy Dixon looks great! So inventive with her moves. That one video looks good. I wonder if she has a workout set that could be used for a month challenge. I am on the look out.

    Today, I was almost about to not workout. I think I finally felt blah about doing that workout again, and I wasn't up to doing the level 2. I pulled out my favorite 20+minute kettlebell workout. I figured it does almost the same type of cardio plus toning that Jillian's workout has. I might need to do a few minutes of ab work to get it all in. I still have 10 min anyway to do.

    James and Gigi - I hope you stop by soon so we know how you are doing.
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    I have to take today off. Some bug sneaked up on me and I'm not feeling so good. I'm taking my Wellness Formula, so I hope I will be fine by tomorrow. Rats, I had good momentum going. I hope you are all well!
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Drat! I hope your Wellness Formula kicks the tar out of 'it'. I hate it when I lose momentum!

    I got my 40 of cardio in today, was hoping to get another 10-20 of Yoga before the end of the night, but late night drop ins kinda messed that up. Ah well.

    Not sure what I am going to do tomorrow, might mix in some lighter stuff, I am still rather sore from Miss Amy Dixon, lol!
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 322 Member
    Surgery went very well. I've basically been asleep since! :-) Decided since I don't have to do anything until Monday I'm going to keep the pain meds at the higher level to ensure that i stay DOWN and keep the foot UP. :-) Will check in as I can. You guys go exercise for me, ok??? :-) take care
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Sherrill, I applaud your plan! I hope your recovery is without complication!

    Friday: 40 min Amy Dixon (this is like a circuit training set) 10 min Yoga

    I tried to go 'light' with some dance workouts and just couldn't do it :/ I need that higher burn! If I am not sweating and breathing hard, it just doesn't feel like a real workout. Probably won't have much workout time this weekend, busy shopping/baking/holiday prep schedule, so will count Sat/Sun as rest days and try like heck to stay within my calories!

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Sherrill - I'm so glad the surgery went well. Your plan is a good one. I had to stay off my foot for a while so all the swelling would go down. No cheating and let your family help you through this time.

    mspix - Now I'm really curious about the Dixon workout. Did you like it? I'm the same way that if I'm not sweating enough, I know it is not enough, but sometimes we need to go light to confuse our body a bit once in a while. Even the P90X program which is fairly hard core from what I hear has a Yoga day to be light one of the days.

    I didn't lose too much momentum since I took yesterday as my day off. Today I did Hip Hop Abs and some yoga. I had to do something else besides the 30 Day Shred. I'll be back to it tomorrow, but it does get boring after a full week of it. I had so much fun with the HHA. I knew I had to enjoy the workout to get through it since I'm not 100%. Don't worry, this one wasn't as tough as the other two in the series so I took it a little easier.

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Checking in real quick. I did the level 2 of 30 Day Shred. OMG! She wanted to have us feel like we were going to die. She succeeded. I have never done plank jumping jacks before. Again, OMG! I survived though and will rotate this one in for the week.

    I couldn't sleep and woke up around 4:15 am. I caught the infomercial for the 10-Minute trainer. Although a "boot camp" format, this could be a good set to get. I'm still thinking about the next round and next month's challenge.

    Have a good day everyone!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Quick check in. I did level 1 today of 30 Day Shred plus 10 minutes of Yoga. Not bad! Mixing it up helps the boredom factor. :wink:

    I'm heading to Keystone to get some snow workouts in. We shall see what these activities do for calorie burn: snowshoeing, ice skating and bikeskiing.

    I'll still try to check in to see how you are doing.

    Sherrill - how's the resting going?
  • yspen42
    yspen42 Posts: 285 Member
    I'm in! Thanks for the challenge!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    yspen - Awesome! Welcome! Let us know what workouts you are choosing to do. We like to share to get new ideas.
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 322 Member
    I've been very "good" and other than a quick trip out to get my daughter's christmas present yesterday, i have been a total couch potato. Icing and elevating are my new middle names :-). Foot feels quite good. Toes are still a bit numb. I did crunches this evening and air squats (I may have invented a new exercise here - lay on your back and do squats in the air :smile: ) My plan is to try to go to the gym tomorrow (have to coordinate with daughter for a ride) and use the arm bicycle for some cardio work (my heart may not know what to do!!) I have a post-op appointment on Tuesday morning and keep your fingers crossed the bandaging is reduced enough that I can squeeze a croc on over it (this means I can drive). That's all I'm hoping for at this appt.

    Keep up the good work everyone! You are all FANTASTIC!!!
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Arg! No work out for me since Friday :/ I *hate* that! Hopefully will be able to get something in tomorrow, staying under my calories without a workout is HARD!

    Fitn: I do like Amy Dixon. The workouts aren't dancey, but they are fast paced and change direction regularly so the boredom factor is not an issue. And she is likable! I don't have a HRM, but the intensity feels right up there with TJ. She does incorporate some boxing moves into the routines. The stretching segment is very good, fast paced, but I feel very stretched and limber when I am done. The only 'con' I have is that the workouts cannot be customized like the 10 Minute Solutions. Also, there are modifications modeled throughout.

    Sherrill: Good for you on being good! I can imagine how difficult that must be. Good job on inventing 'air squats', lol! Keep up the good work on your recovery and I am sure you will be back at it in no time!

    Yspen: Welcome! Looking forward to hearing about your workouts!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Hello This is my first post on here and Im in a hurry sorry. I will do my cardio when I get off here Stationary bike 30 mins.... It is my go to excersize when Im not up to doing anything else. I watch heavy on netflix while I ride :bigsmile: Have a great day everyone !!!!! thank you for challenge ,Oh I forgot I did 50 power nees today too :smile:
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    work out done 30 mins bike
    70 situos
    50 power knees
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    In a hurry again :smile: 30 day shred then work !!!!!! Have a good day :flowerforyou:
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Tuesday: 40 min TJ, 10 Stretch with miss Amy

    Hi Elimay! Welcome aboard, nice workouts!
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 322 Member
    Post op appointment this morning went very well. They plan to take the stitches out next week :smile: and gave permission for minimal weight bearing Got some one legged hula hooping in while waiting for the laundry and did my 150 crunches. Can't wait to get back to "normal":ohwell: