40+ Workout Challenge (New Every Month)!



  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Hi Sabrina! Never too late, come on in, the water is fine :flowerforyou:
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    I am so sore from level 3 Cardio Shred. Ow!!! I also did TJ 20 with weighted gloves.

    Sabrina- welcome!

    I hope everyone will post how they are doing for their 3rd complete day.

    Food wise, I did not do so well. I will be better tomorrow.
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Fitn, sounds like Shred is working for you!

    Update on my week:

    Already messed up my schedule, lol. The original plan:

    Tuesday: 30 min Amy Dixon, 20 min Yoga
    Wednesday: 40 Min ST (Turbo Sculpt) 10 min stretch

    What really happened:

    Tuesday: 40 Min ST (Turbo Sculpt) 15 min stretch (I used the 15 min dynamic stretch at the end of Miss Amy's dvd)
    Wednesday: 40 Min Turbo Jam/5 min stretch

    For the rest of the week:

    Thursday: 30-40 min Amy Dixon, this will include ST +10-20 min of yoga/stretching
    Friday: 20 min TJ + 20 min of lighter cardio of some sort, thinking I need to break out the hula hoop again!

    I ordered Kettlenetics:
    http://www.amazon.com/Gaiam-Kettlenetics-Slim-Tone-Kit/dp/B001EQW8W2/ref=sr_1_9?ie=UTF8&qid=1325714914&sr=8-9 , it is on its way. Really looking forward to it! Also, part of my Christmas was a new phone, my first Android powered smartphone. Looking at apps, there are TONS of free ones for fitness. Also some guided meditations that I am checking out, very excited about that!

    Hope you all are having a great week!
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 322 Member
    Tuesday - Jan 3 - Hula Hoop (10mins), Kettlebell (12mins), Crunches (10mins)
    Wednesday - Jan 4 - Wii Free Step (15mins), Heavy cleaning/packing/lifting (60mins), Crunches (5mins), Walking (15mins)

    mspix: I can't stick to an exercise schedule for the life of me!! My life is just too...chaotic! :blushing: I feel your pain! I'm flowing with the idea that movement is the important thing, however I manage to get it!! Let me know how you like your Kettlenetics (I put it on my wish list)

    fitfun: I'm not currently doing any type of diet although I've tried all sorts of things. Really didn't have any luck and hated "dieting"

    Welcome Jill and Sabrina!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Mspix- maybe it is your love for TJ that is making you stray. LOL! Do try to mix it up a little more. Our bodies do get used to the same old thing. Also, try the spurts this month too. I think it was your idea! By the way, you are going to love Kettlenetics.

    Sherrill- I was wondering if certain foods help. I love your hoola hoop workout and may have to hunt one down. You are really sticking with the challenge too!!!

    I had a good day today. 5 min bounce, 11 min, mile walk, kettle bell 20 min., 15 min. mile walk, 10 min. Yoga. I really like splitting the time up.

    The 30 DS does work as long as you stick with a good diet and add a little more walking to the program. I was using it for the holidays, but I did gain a couple pounds anyway. I am almost back to weight before, should happen this week.
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Sherrill: You are doing fantastic! You really are an inspiration :) Your gbaby girls have a great role model!

    Fitn: Yes, I need to mix it up more. I am such a creature of habit in that when I find something I like *and* it works, I tend to fear change. My biggest challenge is finding the level of exertion that satisfies me. Thank you for the encouragement, Tomorrow will be a 'light' or 'fun' day, and I promise, no TJ, LOL!

    Today I used four of Amy Dixon's 10 minute workouts so that I had 10 minutes cardio, 20 minutes strength and 15 minutes of stretch.
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    mspix - I was the same way until I noticed that the TJ results slowed down. Your day today was excellent! We can still do TJ, just maybe not for every workout. I would be lost without my fave TJ workouts. :wink:

    Today I did 2 miles of the Walk Away the Pounds 5 mile DVD. She really has stepped it up since her beginning workouts. I got rid of one of her earlier ones because it wasn't a challenge at all, but now she does more aerobic moves, small combos and cardio bursts. She's funny too.

    I also did Level 2 of Cardio Shred. These workouts have made me sweat more than almost any other workout. You should see my hair afterward. I was giggling when I saw myself in the mirror today. Sweathead city! Hahaha! :laugh:

    I was too exhausted to do my last mile I had planned. I'm trying to do 3 miles of "walking" in addition to our challenge in order to make sure I'm not sedentary during the day. So far, I'm doing okay, but I need to fit one more session in. I'm tired of the computer chair butt I have. LOL!

    I hope you all had a good day. I hope our new members will post soon so we can cheer you on! :drinker:
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Yesterday I did 10 min. of bouncing and then split up the Walking DVD into 4 different small workouts. So I did 4 miles! I put my pedometer on and it did register 2,000 or more steps for each segment. Nice!

    Today is my day off. I might do some stretching or Tai Chi or something. My body was so sore, I really needed the break.

    Are you having a good weekend?
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    I hope you enjoy your rest day, very important to take those!

    Yesterday I did a 10 minute solution dance, 20 minute Booty Barre, 10 minute stretch. I did not feel very worked out at the end, even though the Booty Barre is quite challenging! I think I need to add some additional 10 minute workout dvd's to my arsenal.

    Today I popped in TJ cardio party 2. Because I know it so well, I concentrated on taking some moves to a more intense level, the sweat was rolling! Followed up with a 20 minute yoga session and felt quite good about myself :)

    For the last three weeks I have been stalled, a tad frustrated. I think I need to bump back up to an hour of exercise, with a minimum of 30 minutes of cardio. I really saw results during that particular challenge! Also, I think I have been letting myself slide with 20 calories here and 20 calories there 'not really counting' :huh: Time to ramp my accountability back up! I think a HRM would be very helpful, as well and am shopping for one.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 322 Member
    Thurs (1/5) - running/walking intervals 23mins/2miles; swimming-20 mins (Ok, this was all leg work using kick board to work my ankle/foot)
    Fri (1/6) - ST: 30mins; running/walking intervals - 35mins/3miles :happy: ; crunches/squats - 15mins
    Sat (1/7) - ST: 45mins; crunches/squats - 15mins

    Well...I learned that kicking on a kick board for 20 mins creates a SORE feeling the next morning!!! Who knew?? It didn't seem like much of a workout at the time! But my oh my did my ankle feel WONDERFUL!!

    Today was going to be a rest day...then I had to get out of the house...and then Wal-mart called my name...and then...well, there was this cool little gadgety thing that you hook to your door (called a "home gym") with resistance bands on it and I thought it looked quite interesting. So, I bought it and then of course had to test it out once I got it home. I think I like it! and it was only $30. but, so much for a rest day! oops

    fitnfun: I got my hula hoop off amazon. I went with a 3lb weighted one. They have some that have curves on the inside...i wasn't brave enough to try that. It snaps apart/together relatively easily too. I really like it and it does give you a switch up in your workouts. (Note to self: you WILL have a sore abdomen from the hoop. Smart me got this shortly after I got my bellybutton pierced and spent the first several weeks balancing the hoop on my rib cage!! That was kind of painful too!! :blushing: )

    mspix: I feel I need a 30min cardio too, however, I like how the 10-10-10 is feeling and then try to put and additional 20-30min cardio in at a later time.

    Tomorrow we are headed to Seattle: Children's Museum, Road Runner (shoe store), Whole Foods, and probably the Spaghetti Factory. I'm going to plan on ZERO cardio :smile: but lots of easy walking. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Hi all,

    So our challenge this month I think has bombed in the 1st week. It is not challenging enough. I think the elements are fine, but the time is not enough. Despite all my working in intervals, I gained 2 pounds. It could be the time of the month, but I am pissed! I really worked out hard, but in the smaller intervals.

    There is no shame in trying a different challenge the rest of the month, and it seems like we all need more of everything.

    How about a 20-20-20 for a total of 60 minutes for the Circuit days and then the kettle bell on the other two, but bump that workout up to 30-40 min.

    You have no idea how sad I was this morning. :cry: I got on the scale expecting some positive change, and it said 2 pound gain. It's the same two pounds on and off and on and off again.

    With this said, I did 30 min. TJ Remix with the 2 lb weighted gloves and then a 10 min solution ST for legs. I have to go grocery shopping so I added that in today too.

    Yesterday, I ended up doing a new Qigong workout I haven't tried before. It is mainly gentle like Tai Chi and a little less moving, but I was relaxed like a noodle and felt quite refreshed. I will add this or Tai Chi for my day off from now on.

    Maybe I want to lose the weight too badly. I have no idea that after a year's time and working out so religiously why things are not working for me. I may have to do a shout out to find others like me. Others seem to be making progress. Why not me? :sad:

    So - New January Challenge:

    5-10 minute meditation in the morning - set an intention for the day! Breathe slowly.
    5-10 minute meditation in the evening - gratitude session (count your blessings), positive thoughts and prayers for others. Breathe slowly.

    6 days on, one day off

    Sunday Warm-up 3 min.- 20 minutes of cardio -20 minutes of strength training - 20 minutes of cardio - 2 min. of stretch
    Monday 30-40 minute kettlebell workout (let us know if you do not have a kettlebell or need a good workout) - 10 min yoga
    Tuesday Warm-up 3 min.- 20 minutes of cardio -20 minutes of strength training - 20 minutes of cardio - 2 min. of stretch
    Wednesday 30-40 minute kettlebell workout - 10 min yoga
    Thursday Warm-up 3 min.- 20 minutes of cardio -20 minutes of strength training - 20 minutes of cardio - 2 min. of stretch
    Friday Day off or fun exercise day 30-60 minutes (I will be doing a dance workout or going outside to play)
    Saturday Day off or fun exercise day 30-60minutes

    Your circuit days (Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday) can be done at different intervals during the day or all at once. I do know, however, that doing it all at once will challenge your body faster than if you take a break. In the spirit of fitting it all in to a busy schedule, do what is best for you, and if you are able, do movements that combine different muscle groups at the same time.
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Sherrill - Thank you for the hoop advise. That sounds fantastic! I need to whittle away my waist!

    mspix - I feel the frustration as witnessed in my last post. I'm not sure what to do. We are bumping it up!
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Fitn: I am so sorry that the level of frustration is so high for you. It has taken me almost a year to shed 15 pounds, so believe me when I say I understand. We are in this together, and together we can beat this 40's thing! For me, these challenges that you started have played a key role in keeping me motivated when I may have given up, I am very grateful for that :flowerforyou:

    I like the change up, my schedule will be a bit different due to Sunday being my day off of everything (tis the day I give myself permission to skip the shower and stay in jammies, lol). Here is how my weeks will look for the rest of the month:

    Sunday Day off

    Monday: 30-40 minute kettlebell workout (I have one on the way, meanwhile I am using Amy Dixon's workout for this piece) - 20 min yoga

    Tuesday: Warm-up 3 min.- 20 minutes of cardio -20 minutes of strength training - 20 minutes of cardio - 2 min. of stretch

    Wednesday: 30-40 minute kettlebell workout - 20 min yoga

    Thursday: Warm-up 3 min.- 20 minutes of cardio -20 minutes of strength training - 20 minutes of cardio - 2 min. of stretch

    Friday: 20-30 min Kettlebell + 20 min abs

    Saturday: Fun exercise day 30-60minutes (I am thinking hula hoop and jumping rope will be fun!)

    As an 'extra' for myself, I am challenging myself to work up to doing 200 squats in a row. (found a cool free app, lol) I surprised myself and did 45 today!

    Here is to a plateau busting week!
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 322 Member
    Sun (1/8) - walking - 120mins; gardening/raking - 60mins; heavy cleaning/packing - 60mins; crunches/squats - 10mins
    Mon (1/9) - running/walking intervals - 30mins/3miles; hula hoop - 15mins; kettle bell - 20mins; crunches/squats - 20mins

    Good work out today (and yesterday) :smile:

    Too tired to write more tonight! Will catch up later in the week. My infusion is tomorrow (fingers crossed that takes effect quickly!!) hoping some of this swelling will go away soon!

    Keep going strong, guys!! You rock!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    mspix - I gained and lost the same 4 pounds last year, so I have not made leeway in a few years now. 15 pounds would be heaven to me.

    Sherrill - You are awesome! Really good work, and you are so motivating!

    This is my week:

    Sunday 30 min. TJ Remix with the 2 lb weighted gloves/10 min solution ST for legs/30 min. Grocery shopping/20 min Qigong
    Monday: Mini-tramp 20 min./25 min. kettlebell/10 min. Yoga
    Tuesday: 15 min. aerobics with weighted gloves/12 min. ST/15 min. aerobics with 2 1b weights/20 min. resistance cord workout
    Wednesday: Mini-tramp 20 min./40 min. Kettlebell/10 min. Yoga/10 min. Qigong
    Thursday: 20 min. TJ with weighted gloves/24 min. ST/20 min. Kathy Smith aerobic workout
    Friday: Day off or HHA and Qigong
    Saturday: Day off or HHA and Qigong
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Sherrill, I have to agree with Fitn, you are very motivational :) I look forward to your workout and your menu's!

    Fitn: How incredibly frustrating for you :( I wish I had something spectacular to offer, some magical insight, but I don't. I can offer my support, and my shoulder, however :)

    Today I tweaked my existing TJ to meet the 20/20/20: 20 Min TJ/20 Min T Sculpt/ 20 Min TJ

    It worked out really well!

    I have been perusing Collage Video quite a bit, looking for high intensity work outs to mix in and add to what I have. It seems that the kickboxing really is what interests me the most, as I always end up gravitating to that style. I had not heard of Susan Chung before, but I think I would really like the Rapid Fire workout. As I read the reviews, the last one talked about all the ways the workouts could be combined and customized. That really intrigued me. To the point that this workout is currently languishing in my Amazon cart. LOL!

    Check it out: http://www.collagevideo.com/workout-video/rapidfire-results-with-susan-chung-rapid-fire-6077
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Quick post. Today was a wash. I ate well and was under calorie, but I only bounced today for 20 min. I added the cooking in too since I was walking around a bunch for that recipe.

    I have a headache trying to get me, so I'm going to bed now. I hate time of the month day. Once a month I feel awful and there is nothing I can do about it. I've tried taking both OTC and herbal formulas. At least it is only for a day.

    Hopefully I will be perky again tomorrow.

    Good job mspix for figuring out a fantastic TJ cycle. I think I will try that this week too! I too have been checking out Collage. Not sure what to get yet.
  • LauraSS
    LauraSS Posts: 25 Member
    Feel better tomorrow FitnFun. Maybe today is the day your body needs the QiGong. :smile:
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Hi Laura! Great that you are joining us. Everyone, Laura was my best buddy over at Beachbody's message boards. Please give her a warm welcome!

    I should have thought about the QiGong, but totally forgot. I do feel better today though. Today I did a circuit-like workout. 10 min. bouncing/10 min. weights/10 min. bouncing/10 min. weights. The "weights" was working with the kettlebell I do feel worked out.

    Tomorrow I might do a more challenging workout than planned to make up for yesterday. I will do the QiGong workout on Saturday.

    mspix- that workout looks interesting. I think I will wait until you have tried it first. I'm going to look over the weekend for something.

    I better wrap this up and get to bed. Laura, let us know what you are doing these days. You always are doing an interesting workout.
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Laura: Hi! Welcome :) I will look forward to getting to know you!

    Fitn: Glad you are feeling better! Nice circuit yesterday...you have me thinking I need to look into the mini tramp again. I had one years ago, but never utilized it well.

    Sherrill: Have fun on your trip!!

    Yesterday I had an all day class that I had to leave early for, so made myself get up and moving earlier than usual and got in a 20 min TJ. Better than nothing and managed to squeak in under on calories *whew*

    My Kettlenetics arrived Wednesday! This morning I plugged it in and did the 20 minute 'learning' set, followed by a 20 minute 'basic' workout and tacked on a 10 minute fat blast ala Amy Dixon.
    I can tell I am going to love this Kettlebell workout, once I get a better feel for the moves and do them right. I do think it won't be long before the 4 lb weight won't be enough, though.
    BONUS: I weighed myself, and was happy to see a 1 lb loss! I still have 1 pound to lose to get back to pre-holiday weight, but was happy to finally see positive progress. Getting back to logging correctly has made a difference.

    Hope everyone has a safe and wonderful weekend!