40+ Workout Challenge (New Every Month)!



  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss mspix!!! Super duper! I also lost one of the pounds I gained back. I have one more to lose to be completely back on track.

    Brace yourself for the 40 min. Kettlenetics workout. The 20 min. is good, and I thought the 40 was going to be similar yet longer. Oh boy! It increases in intensity too, and I was super sore head to toe the first few times. It's a fantastic workout!

    Yesterday was not a good day. I ate too much, and I didn't workout very much. I don't know what it is about the time of the month, but for a day or so, I am simply hurting! I had to take an hour nap today and basically lie down most of the day for feeling really bad. I will be working out during the football game tonight, so I will get back to it, and we are eating in today too.

    This is becoming more of a standard now that I'm getting older. I may have to figure out how to handle it better. I take an herbal supplement, but it doesn't help that much. Any suggestions?

    Tonight I think I will do my rowing machine, mini-tramp, and weights with Jillian.
  • kro0001
    <a href="http://www.myfitnesspal.com"><img src="http://badges.myfitnesspal.com/badges/show/1486/4220/14864220.weight-lost-sm.gif&quot; border="0"></a><p style="text-align: center;width:226px;"><small>MyFitnessPal - <a href="http://www.myfitnesspal.com">Free Calorie Counter</a></small></p>
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Welcome kro0001. It looks like you are still getting set up. What workouts are you doing now?

    I had a weird day. I fell on my ankle funny, but after I stretched it, I was able to keep going. I'm going to have to make sure my ankles are nice and warm before working out.

    Yesterday I didn't feel like working out and today was bad too, but I forced myself. Between mini-trampoline, kettlebell, weights and resistance bands, I did okay. I was barely under today on my food, but I made it.

    I'm hoping my energy comes back tomorrow so I can burn some higher calorie numbers next week. I'll post my workouts tomorrow.

    Maybe we could go for a calorie push next week?
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Fitn: Glad you were not seriously injured! Way to push yourself, I know I have hard days like that, too. I seem to have hurt my wrist somehow, not sure what I did.

    What kind of calorie push did you have in mind? I seem to be pushing my points very close (or completely over in the case of the weekend).

    Today: 40 min TJ + 10 min stretch (I wanted to give my wrist a day to see if it would feel better)
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Did the 40 minute kettle bell workout.....LOVE it!!!

    Some sections were not as intense as I would have liked, so as I get more comfortable with the moves I will have to find ways to increase the intensity level. This workout will definitely find a spot in my regular rotation.

    I did not have time for yoga this morning, so am going to try to get that done this evening.

    Today: 40 minute Kettle Bell (kettlenetics)
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Oh dear, I am having one of those weeks! I didn't feel like working out these past two days either, but I forced myself.

    Monday: Mini-tramp 15/Circuit training 25/Mini-tramp 15 and ST 10 min.
    Today: Mini-tramp 10/Resistance Band 5 - almost gave up and forced myself to do 27 min. circuit training

    I don't know what is with me! Maybe I'm not enjoying the circuit training workouts even though they are effective.

    I'm still looking for some different workouts.

    mspix - I started doing kettlebell about a year or so ago. I don't think I was at the level I am at now so you might be right that it isn't as intense as it could be. I started working with a 7 1b kettlebell this year, and that makes a ton of difference. I am dripping afterward. You may need to bump up right away.

    Sherrill - I hope you are doing well!

    Laura - I see that you are doing Leslie workouts. She's pretty fun!

    Anyway, I need to figure out what is going to get me wanting to workout again. Maybe I'm bored, or maybe I need a more extreme challenge? Next week I was thinking of doing the 3500 calories burned challenge that I keep seeing on the boards. That's about 583 calories per day. This is a tough one. We would have to do the more intense workouts all week. Maybe it is what I need to get me out of this rut?

  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Fitn: I have had hard weeks, so I can sympathize. I wonder if maybe there is a bit of burn out going on? Maybe too much working out? I know that one of the signs for me, that I need to take a break, is the dread factor. I had some of that last week, I think primarily because my routine was not settled. This week I found my groove and feel good about my schedule. Boredom or not enjoying a workout is a BIG factor, as well. You and I seem very similar in that regard, so I would suggest maybe a week of workouts you know you enjoy and go from there. :flowerforyou: I am actually considering a week of forced slow down, for example, three days of cardio alternating with three days of yoga. It would be very challenging for me to attempt, but it would also force me to be much more stringent in what I am eating.

    Regarding the kettle bell, yes I think I will pick up a heavier one this weekend. I did Amy Dixon's full hour today and I am SORE! Holy Hannah! (I use a set of 3lb and 5lb weights) That tells me that the 4 lb kettle is definitely not challenging enough.

    3500 calories is a lot to burn in a week. It would be a definite challenge! I think with the more intense workouts and a couple of 10 minute cardio bursts it could be done, though. Count me in if you decide to go for it!

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • lovestobaketoo
    lovestobaketoo Posts: 76 Member
    Too late to join?? Looking for a good group of ladies to get AND keep me motivated!! I usually work out 5-6 times a week, so this looks like a good fit for me. Hope I can jump on in!!
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Hi Michelle! It is never too late :) Welcome to the group! What types of workouts do you enjoy?
  • lovestobaketoo
    lovestobaketoo Posts: 76 Member
    I usually take a class at the health club, weights w/ cardo, walking, just got into yoga and I do run.
    Should I start logging my workouts on Monday? Looks like that is what the group posts. Thanks for getting us started!
  • lillydlc
    lillydlc Posts: 162 Member
    Hi there - just found this thread - hope you don't mind me joining.

  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Welcome to Michele and Lilly!

    Michele - you can log in whenever you want. We do try to post our intention Sunday or Monday. During the week we cheer each other on.

    Well, I think I had food poisoning. I feel better today, but I am still run down. I did not workout and opted to rest today. I ate fairly well, as well as I could.

    I am strange because I crave potato chips when I am sick, but it makes me feel better. I have the natural kind, so they aren't too bad, and I am limiting the portions.

    mspix- You may be right. I might be a little burned out since I am not seeing good reults despite the efforts. I also miss having a program I am excited about. My workouts are not very new and shiny. I have some good ones, but I am a little bored. I might get rid of a few to justify new ones. I wasn't quite sure if you were saying that you feel burned out or you are working out too hard? I guess in either case, slowing down or switching workouts would be good.

    I have been forced to take two days off so we shall see if I am spunkier when I feel better.
  • lovestobaketoo
    lovestobaketoo Posts: 76 Member
    fitnfun hope you are back to yourself! I totally get it! When I had morning sickness I ate salt & Vinegar chips:) Helped settle the tummy.

    Lots of snow here yesterday, shoveled twice yesterday, sure does look pretty out.
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Welcome Lily!

    Fitn: I hope you feel better soon, it sucks to be sick! In my post I was referring both to burn out and over-working. I have done both. An HRM is in my future, I am thinking that will help me refine the calorie in/out for sure.

    Today an tomorrow are both going to be 'off days' for me, I have been sore since Tuesday's workout and I think I need to let the body recoup.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    After two days of nothing, I felt I had to do something. I felt a little better so I did a very light 3 miles of Leslie's 5 mile walk dvd. It was around 49 minutes of light walking. I also got outside for the first time in a few days and did some light shopping.

    I pushed myself a bit too much, but I will rest up tonight and be a couch potato with blankets and hot tea.

    Michele - I wonder if it is the salt or the potatoes. I crave them!

    mspix - I probably should have kept resting with you. LOL! Anyway, listen to your body. It always knows.

    I have some good news. I don't think it is due to the flu, although eating less probably helped. I now fit into the bigger lower size! I am no longer weighing myself, but I can see some of the inches have come off, and today on a whim, I reached for the lower size pair of jeans in the back of my closet, and they fit!

    I still have a ways to go so I can finally wear the skinnier clothes of that size, but I am on my way. I even can see my waste now, and my legs have lost a lot!

    So, the combo with the slightly higher cardio intervals we added to the challenge are working for me! Yay!
  • lovestobaketoo
    lovestobaketoo Posts: 76 Member
    fitnfun Woo-Hoo!! Inches lost are inches lost! Enjoy this!

    Okay I am going to post my week of workouts, need a new start today's eating was TERRIBLE!! I lived on homemade cookies and popcorn---UGH!

    Monday--bike & weights total 60 minute
    Tuesday--weight training class 60 minute
    Wed.--yoga 45 minutes
    Friday--weights & run

    Keep me honest girls!!
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 322 Member
    Well I feel like a heel! Apparently I forgot to tell you guys I was going on vacation. :blushing: Got home late last night after 11 days in Indiana. Took the grand babies to visit relatives (3 great-grand-parents). I didn't log but think I did pretty well. Kept track of calories burned on my body media fit and the numbers were up so I'm not too concerned about my intake. It was different eating 3 meals a day versus my usual 5-6 but I didn't ever feel really hungry so I think I did ok. I will brave the scale tomorrow.

    Sounds like everyone is plugging along.

    Fitnfun and mspix: hope you are both feeling much better!!

    Welcome Michelle and Lilly!
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    My last post disappeared :huh:

    Sherrill: Welcome back! I am looking forward to seeing your posts again, always inspirational! Sounds like you had a great trip!

    Michelle: Looks like you have a great workout week planned! Popcorn is not so bad, but homemade cookies...ouch, I feel that pain, lol!

    Lily: Welcome!

    Fitn: Super congrats on the loss of inches! You and I both should know that becoming a slave to the scale is not the best way to measure progress, but it is such and easy trap to get caught in. I am glad that you tried on those clothes, that really can be the most powerful motivator! I hope you feel better soon, being sick is not fun!

    For me, last week was a challenge. I managed all of my workouts fine, it was the food that tried to do me in. Two meetings that both involved meals followed by cheesecake :indifferent: Then a Sunday filled with more football and more food. Arg. I am worried about that slow slide into 'one more bite/bowl/plate' wont matter. Because I know that it does if I allow too many of them. So, this week I stick to the workout plan, and I focus on what/when/why I am eating.

    Last weeks workout schedule worked really well for me, so I am going to do it again with a couple of small changes:

    Mon: 40 min TJ + 20 min Yoga
    Tues: 20 min TJ + 40 min Kettlebell
    Wed: 60 minutes of Amy Dixon Give Me 10 more (this includes a great stretch at the end)
    Thurs: 40 min TJ + 20 min Yoga
    Fri: 20 min TJ + 40 min Kettlebell
    Sat: TBD

    I may trade out the 20 min TJ for some other cardio workout or swap one for another Yoga session.

    Have a great week everyone!
  • LauraSS
    LauraSS Posts: 25 Member
    Hi everyone. Thank you for the welcomes and for the invitational adds. I apologize for not getting back on the message boards. Life was crazy busy, but I did manage to stay honest and log in. I need to change my weight because it was nice to see I had release a pound.

    Some of you may know I took on a Challenge from Facebook this year to Walk/Run a "Mile a Day in 2012" and this afternoon mile has resulted in releasing both weight and 1" from my waist already in the last 23 days, so I am thrilled that this 20-30 minutes in the afternoon walking outside, or inside when the weather is not co-operating has been a huge surprise for me for extra energy, sleeping better at night, and all round feeling better. You have to know this is a huge Mile of Gratitude for me, especially in January, which is usually such a hard month for me, mentally with the January Blues. Not this January, that is for sure.

    FitnFun, yes, I have a few of Leslie's Walking Programs, which have come in handy this month on the raining/snowing days. It sure feels weird to even type raining in January. I bought her newer Walk At Home For The Waistline on sale at Walmart last week that comes with resistance bands that go around the waist so you can work the arms/core at the same time as walking a Mile, Two Miles or Three Miles.

    My food consumption has been about a 7/8 out of ten. I have noticed that every time I have a banana in my smoothie and an apple in the afternoon with my lunch or for a snack I will have surpassed my alotted sugar allowed from MyFitnessPal when I have any kind of vegetables with my dinner; which is strange considering we are supposed to eat 5 to 7 servings of vegetables and fruit a day and most veggies have a sugar content to them as well.

    I have labeled Mondays as Motivational Mondays. Make It Happen. Motivate someone to MOVE, so I hope all of you have a great time getting someone to move off the couch/away from the computer today.

    Brougham, Ontario, Canada
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Okay, I am back! I feel much better. I Took Sunday off to make sure I got enough rest. Here's my week:

    Monday: Circuit training 35 minutes of No More Trouble Zones. New Jillian workout that is strength training with cardio effect
    Tuesday: Hip Hop Abs Total Body 40 minutes of funky fun!
    Wednesday- Ripped in 30 - level1 35 min.
    Thursday: mini-tramp 20 min., Ripped in 30 level 2 35 min.
    Friday: Turbo Jam Cardio Remix 30 min, TJ 3T 30 min.
    Saturday: Kettlebell workout for 40 min.

    Laura- It is good to hear from you! I love your walking resolution. I think I might join you. I can't believe you are typing rain too. Do you like the belt with resistance bands? I also have been eating more fruits and veggies. I wish they could separate low carb sugar from high carb sugar. There is a big difference.

    Mspix- Oh no! Not the cheesecake sucking you in! Oh dear, I have had those weeks. Whenever I get in that mode, I switch to pigging out on fruits and veggies, good food, and it helps switch the mind set again. By the way, do you have TJ Cardio Remix? If not, you must get this one. It is 30 min of slightly more intense (not as crazy as Fire) workout and the combos are so much fun!

    Sherrill- welcome back. I hope you are doing well despite life's changes and vacations. Again, positive thoughts and prayers to you!

    Michele- What type of yoga do you do for the 45 min.? I hope you chime in soon!

    My cat is insisting I pay attention to her. Have a Thriving Thursday tomorrow!