bperucco Member


  • Thanks for that info! I had not eaten much before hand because I was reading in the P90X book that if you work out on a more empty stomach, you will burn fat cells rather than carbs (which is what I want to do). I don't believe it was a heart issue. At the time of starting to feel sick, my HR was only around 120-130. It…
  • CROSS Training, I like that :) You should go into marketing hehe
  • What if we just set up a Google groups account and provide the motivation in there. That way you are taking the message board and support off site so then 1. there is nothing to stop you from forming this group and 2. we don't need Mike's permission. Only downside to this is now we'd be using two different sites to…
  • Excellent idea :)
  • I love the new energy drink that is out featuring Acai. As far as I know, there is only one company that actually freeze dries them rather than spray drying them, which preserves 95% of the nutritional value since we can't go pick the fruit ourselves off of the palm. Acai has made quite a difference in my life! Great find!…
  • I love the stuff. I swear by it. I seem to have more energy and I just feel better. I think it's worth the money. Apparently it's better than the other Acai drinks as well because this stuff is freeze dried so it's more pure.