Sick after workout?

bperucco Posts: 16 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I started P90X yesterday. I'm not in the best of shape (obviously why I'm here) but I'm also not terribly overweight. I'm 5'10 and 180lbs. I coach track and I do run with the kids a bit.

My question/concern is that after doing workout 1 (arms and back) I was able to get almost all the way through the second reps and I decided to take a break. Note: I'd been drinking water before the workout and also during. At the time of the break I was tired, but still felt like I was going to be able to finish this.

After a couple of minutes I started to feel really warm and got a bit dizzy. I decided it was time to call it quits because I didn't want to over do it. I had some more water and just tried to sit for a little bit. I couldn't really sit so I tried laying down. At this point I got the feeling that you get when you have the flu (really warm, can't get comfortable, and then the vomiting).

Not at all during the workout did I feel like I had over done it. I do mountain bike races and I definitely know the feeling of over doing it. What could've contributed to this? Did I end up drinking too much water? Were my nutritional needs not met for the day? I'm still learning the science of nutrition and exercise so any help is appreciated!


  • 08sweek
    08sweek Posts: 38 Member
    I know that if I do not eat a fruit or yogurt within an hour before my workout, I become quite shaky and sick feeling afterwards. It seems to be worse if I focus on cardio rather than strength training, but either way, I must raise my blood sugar levels prior to working out in order to not feel sick afterwards!

    I hope that helps a bit!:smile:
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Hi, bperucco!!!

    You should come join one of the P90X threads- lots of great info! I'm in round 2, week 2, day 2. I think what happened is called "bonking". This is where you rapidly deplete your glycogen stores and your body can't replenish its blood glucose fast enough. This happens more commonly with strenuous weight training than with strict cardio. Are you trying to follow the phase one nutrition plan with 50% protein?

    Try eating a banana 20-30 minutes before your workout.

    Now, this is all assuming that you do not have any cardiovascular issues. Your symptoms could also be explained by heart/BP, etc. issues.

    If you've recovered and are healthy, keep at the "X"!! You will get better and learn to love it!!!!!:heart:

  • bperucco
    bperucco Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, bperucco!!!

    You should come join one of the P90X threads- lots of great info! I'm in round 2, week 2, day 2. I think what happened is called "bonking". This is where you rapidly deplete your glycogen stores and your body can't replenish its blood glucose fast enough. This happens more commonly with strenuous weight training than with strict cardio. Are you trying to follow the phase one nutrition plan with 50% protein?

    Try eating a banana 20-30 minutes before your workout.

    Now, this is all assuming that you do not have any cardiovascular issues. Your symptoms could also be explained by heart/BP, etc. issues.

    If you've recovered and are healthy, keep at the "X"!! You will get better and learn to love it!!!!!:heart:


    Thanks for that info! I had not eaten much before hand because I was reading in the P90X book that if you work out on a more empty stomach, you will burn fat cells rather than carbs (which is what I want to do). I don't believe it was a heart issue. At the time of starting to feel sick, my HR was only around 120-130. It was however rather strenuous for me with the strength training part. So that's probably what did it. Do you recommend working out at certain times of the day and eating certain things before hand?

    Side note: I do plan on sticking with P90X. I feel great this morning! I'm hardly sore and I feel as if I have more energy.

    How do I find this P90X thread you are talking about?
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member

    This is the link.

    As for times of day, really whatever works for you. I usually workout more in the second half of the day, occasionally at night. I run in the morning when I can. I like to eat about an hour before the workouts. Gives me energy but not too much in the tummy when jumping around during plyo!!!:noway:

    Hope to see you on the above thread!!!
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