

  • Choose one day each week to weigh in. I choose Monday morning. Always weigh the same time of day. Mornings just when you get up is best. And strip. Some people weigh in with clothes and then say "I'll just subtract 2 pounds for the clothes". No guessing games, no clothes.
  • It does depend on the cereal, but the good thing is that it is a single serving. It gives you a good idea what a single serving looks like.
  • When you workout hard, your muscles need water to repair and therefore hold onto water. That's your extra weight your seeing. It will bottom out in a few days.
  • Do spin classes or ride the recumbent bike. There is no stress on your knees when you bike. Then when you are lighter try the treadmill, or only do it once a week till you lose the weight--but the other times 2 or 3 times a week--ride the bike.
  • Every morning I put in a blender, 1/2c n/f milk, 1 serving of tofu, 1/2 plain n/f yogurt, 1/2 banana, 1/2c berries (any kind) and some psyllium seed. The sugar in the fruit helps you get your energy and the protein in the yogurt and tofu keep you going to lunch. Add more tofu if you want, very little calories. Oh, and the…
  • I'm in, I'll give it a try tomorrow!
  • When you lose weight, you lose it all over. There is no spot reducing. Just keep losing weight and you'll see those abs appear.