Does this happen to anyone else?

toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
So I find that on my days off, when I work out longer and harder and really kick things up, I'm usually up a pound or two the next day. I know that weight fluctuates and I usually weigh myself just once a week, and I know that in the end it will all come out in the wash...I was just wondering if this happens to anyone else? I was hoping to see good results this morning, but it was disappointing to see I was up.

I'm not giving up or anything by any means, and I've been pretty successful so far...but it's just a little disappointing. :ohwell:


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    It may just be water that your muscles are holding onto... have you changed your strength training routine recently or just recently started one? That could play a role in it. Also, you may have just held water because you didn't drink enough during your workout.
  • jclemens
    jclemens Posts: 7
    When you workout hard, your muscles need water to repair and therefore hold onto water. That's your extra weight your seeing. It will bottom out in a few days.
  • Eliaheart
    Eliaheart Posts: 73 Member
    Happens to me too :) Thanks for posting this question, I was wondering why it was happening!
  • AndriaLL
    AndriaLL Posts: 162
    Happens to me as well. I've done a few long distance triathlons (half IM) and am typically heaviest the day after. I know it's water as I can't get my rings on and my ankles and eyes look puffy. I've heard when you get dehydrated working out hard, your body tries harder then to hang on to water when it does get it. The effects for me are less if I drink electrolytes (Powerade zero currently) vs. water during longer workouts.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Thanks for the replies. I don't know why it's bugging me this much :laugh: ...I've been at this long enough to know that one day and one pound isn't going to wreck everything.