

  • THIS :flowerforyou: I agree 100% When I first met my Personal Trainer she told me "You are not on a diet, all we are doing is changing the way you think about food, now and for the rest of your life" I can see your friends point regarding the calorie counting though, I don't actually measure and count what I eat on a…
    in tiny rant :) Comment by RhysUK June 2011
  • wow! You look amazing, you should be very proud of yourself. I think it's a great idea for you to start doing more free weights. I hang out at the gym a lot and have a personal trainer, so whilst I'm not an expert, this is what I have learned from talking to her and others at the Gym: Women cannot get "too big" if they…
  • Thanks for all the replies everyone . I think I'll have a go at the later weeks , had a quick trial on treadmill, reasonably comfortable doing intervals of 5 mins @ 12kph and 3 mins walk @ 6 kph for 40 mins or so it wasn't easy but i think i could get into it. I think the challenge will be to fit the program around my…
  • If you go on a diet, but don't change your life, then yes, there is a chance that you will always be fat. When I first met my personal trainer in November 2010, the first thing she told me was "You are not on a diet, I am going to teach you how to change your life so that excercise and a healthy diet are a natural part of…