christimw Member


  • There is a 10 lb difference from May - Aug, but I still had all the bloat. I've lost 22 lbs so far, and for once, I can visibly SEE a difference myself. I feel good today, finally being able to see a difference, I know I'm doing something right and that I'm getting there. And yes, my clothes are fitting me totally…
  • progress. posting to motivate myself.
  • my husband drinks vodka, and has replaced the juice with water and a few squirts of mio. its actually really good. tastes like kool aid. he makes VERY strong drinks and i can barley taste the alcohol in it.
  • Herb with the H is a name. Silent H Herb is a type of plant. I've know many herbalist, and I've never once heard them call them herbs with the H. nor have I heard of a 'erbalist call themselves a Herbalist.
  • my husband says HOtel and it drives me crazy. hoTEL. being from the south i hear lots of stuff. piller for pillow winder for window alot of older people add an R to the end of names that end in A. my parents always tell me i need to learn my kids to do <insert action here> you don't LEARN them you TEACH them. my aunt says…
  • I was "good" until 17. I thought it was insane that all my friends had curfews of 12 or 1, and I had to be home at 10, ONE TIME i talked my dad into 10:30. They could cruise town with friends, I wasn't allowed to have anyone in my car. I couldn't use the phone after a certain time. I was very sheltered until I realized…
  • :) Oh yeah I made quite a few of my friends happy too! LOL
  • Yup! I'm proof of that. My parents never tried to keep me from boys or friends, but they were overprotective, so I rebelled and went crazy. Had they told me I couldn't see someone, guess what I would have done...
  • LOL Ooook. Geez and I thought *I* was oblivious to things. I know people who graduated high school and college who did meth and other stupid stuff as teenagers. You don't always know what kids are doing at home. Or at school. I went to school and got drunk, no one ever suspected a thing, and I kept decent grades.. All you…
  • If you don't want her around stuff like that, you better pull her out of school and lock her in a bubble without any friends. Kids at school say/do way worse things than googling how to make meth.
  • I worked at Subway right when that came out, you have no idea how many people wanted "chipotole" sauce. And one lady always came in and ordered a TUNAR sandwich. and earl & vinekar instead of oil and vinegar. that was the one that drove me the most crazy.
  • LOL i dont' normally watch videos but that was funny!
  • Exactly. I should be worried about MY child being around a child who has recently been vaccinated with a live disease/virus. If the oh so trusty vaccines work so well, then why are parents of vaccinated children worried about MY unvaccinated child? If one trusts enough in the vaccine to get them, they should trust that…
  • sure. she looks pretty good! :)
  • My girls are in K and 7th, and if an outbreak occurs they are excused and cannot return until the outbreak is over and you can make arrangements for them to do their work at home. Obviously not college, but they do make it reasonable so they don't get behind or fail. I know that the waivers they have cover them throughout…
  • for me. easy. a baggie full of something green. ;) true way to get to my heart. haha
  • i'm going to CRY. i've never missed an episode yet. but now, i don't have cable. i'm already panicking.
  • I hope I wasn't coming off as rude, that wasn't my intent at all. It just gets to me when people think I'm just some fool afraid of vaccines. Especially people who don't know me, or what brought me to research and come to my decision. I would never tell anyone NOT to vaccinate, or TO vaccinate. I encourage EVERYONE to do…
  • I agree 100000000000000000000%
  • whenever i feel like it. i've never done it for 30 days straight. i do it for a few week or two, then i get bored and find something else. some times i'll do it more than once a day, like today, i've done levels 1 and 2.
  • i love how people feel the need to nit pick every single detail they can find on what is safe and what isn't to throw up in someones face. this is no different from any other decision made. some feel eating meat is dangerous to your health, some feel a vegetarian diet is dangerous to your health. both sides can find many…
  • No. Never in their life. My children are perfect.
  • I'm a GA Bulldog girl! :)
  • LOL I'm never in airports or hospitals. Seeing as how I don't travel, nor does anyone in our family ever get sick enough to go to the doctor, let alone a hospital. We don't eat soy. We don't take anti biotics. Most of my eggs come from MY chickens, and its rare I drink milk. The only tea I consume is medicinal herbal tea…
  • Until they are 100% safe, and not one single person has an adverse reaction, or death due to a vaccine, I still won't trust them. Many of the people who have been injured or killed by vaccines probably thought they would not have any adverse affects. I choose not to take the risk to see if me or my kids will be in that…
  • its helping me along with diet change. i try to log everything, sometimes i forget. i weigh myself several times a day out of habit, i log whenever i lose below the lowest last weight I logged, or if there is a significant gain.
  • I didn't realize I had issues with these foods UNTIL I cut them out.. If they make me feel bad and cause me, why on earth should I keep them in my diet? It amazes me that people get SO worked up over others eating habits. lol What works for one doesn't work for everyone. If it did, no one would have trouble losing weight,…
  • i think this whole "starvation" things a load of bs. when i was eating crap, i would easily 2000 calories a day on two meals. now that i cut out grains and boxed stuff and sugar, i'm eating TWICE as much each day and some days i barely make it to 1000-1200. so if being so stuffed i can barely move from meat, veggies,…
  • I did years of research on my own to come up with my conclusion. I looked at pros, cons, risks, and made my decision on what I felt was best for my family. I'm not telling anyone to or not to, that's their personal choice and what works best for them. I'm not going to sit here and justify my beliefs and actions just for…
  • I should add, I'm 4'11 with a small frame, and I'm not very active. I am a firm believer that size has a lot to do with it also. I steadily gain if I get 1400 or more each day. But, I've finally found what works for me so I'm running with it as long as its working and getting me closer to my goal. :)