What if your daughter's boyfriend did this?



  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    If you don't want her around stuff like that, you better pull her out of school and lock her in a bubble without any friends. Kids at school say/do way worse things than googling how to make meth.
    I work at a high school. In my many years of working here, we have never had to deal with a student making meth. I don't have to "pull her out of school" or "lock her in a bubble without any friends" to keep her away from certain things. I also have 25. 20, 18 year old sons who finished high school and college just fine.
  • jrbb03092
    jrbb03092 Posts: 198 Member
    Wow. Special. I am/was curious about stuff like that. And you know what, I think I turned out okay. I don't use illegal drugs, I have a Ph.D., and a good career--but you wouldn't want people like me around your daughter.
    You totally changed this answer,and you're twisting my words. I don't want a teenage boy who is curious about how to make meth dating my daughter. Sorry that this bothers you, but she's my baby girl, and this is my honest answer.

    Without having any real clue why he was looking that information up you're judging this boy incredibly harshly. Do you not think that it would be better for all involved, and set a better example to your daughter of how to deal with people and situations, to be reasoned and find out what's actually going on before freaking out?

  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    I'd probably not immediately go to MFP and ask them what they'd do. I'd talk to my daughter first and then have a sit down with her boyfriend and get to the bottom of things.

    Do parents need online "help" for everything going on in their lives now?
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    My daughters boyfriend of many years robbed me of 33000.00 of jewelry and family heirlooms, all my entire DVD collection and other random things. I called the cops and they sent him to rehab for 6 months because he cried to the judge that it was his marijuana addiction that made him do it...... REALLY! You can't even be addicted to that plant! What a stupid judge.

    Sorry to hear this. I do not agree when people use an addiction as an excuse for terrible behaviour.
    FYI - Marijuana is addictive. When smoked it releases endorphins just like gambling, sex, food, heroin, exercise, gaming, shopping. All of which can be a process addiction. Usually only potheads believe it is not addictive as a means to rationalize and minimize their drug use/addiction.

    Judge is right - you are not.
  • jadesign19
    jadesign19 Posts: 512 Member
    Not to sound harsh ...but I think the OP knows the answer to this question already.
    If it were my daughter, I'd tell my daughter what I found out and the guy is bad news. Get him out of your life now.
    Any guy that I'd hope my daughter would make a life with would not be associating with meth.
  • Ever looked up two girls one cup? I've watched it, but that doesn't mean i'll do it.

    Damn. I liked where you were going for a min.

    Do you think I should be more open minded about this foreplay Jac?

    Im just saying you don't want to necessarily rule anything out.....

    Hmm, I'll keep that in mind...:tongue:
  • christimw
    christimw Posts: 183 Member
    If you don't want her around stuff like that, you better pull her out of school and lock her in a bubble without any friends. Kids at school say/do way worse things than googling how to make meth.
    I work at a high school. In my many years of working here, we have never had to deal with a student making meth. I don't have to "pull her out of school" or "lock her in a bubble without any friends" to keep her away from certain things. I also have 25. 20, 18 year old sons who finished high school and college just fine.

    LOL Ooook. Geez and I thought *I* was oblivious to things. I know people who graduated high school and college who did meth and other stupid stuff as teenagers. You don't always know what kids are doing at home. Or at school. I went to school and got drunk, no one ever suspected a thing, and I kept decent grades.. All you need is a bottle of fruit punch, with just enough punch to color vodka.
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    I'd probably not immediately go to MFP and ask them what they'd do. I'd talk to my daughter first and then have a sit down with her boyfriend and get to the bottom of things.

    Do parents need online "help" for everything going on in their lives now?

    Of course they do. But thank goodness she didn't google search what to do, it would be to suspicious. What if her husband found that google search and googled what to do about his wife searching what to do because their daughters boyfriend googled how to make meth. Vicious cycle.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Wow. Special. I am/was curious about stuff like that. And you know what, I think I turned out okay. I don't use illegal drugs, I have a Ph.D., and a good career--but you wouldn't want people like me around your daughter.
    You totally changed this answer,and you're twisting my words. I don't want a teenage boy who is curious about how to make meth dating my daughter. Sorry that this bothers you, but she's my baby girl, and this is my honest answer.

    If you are too protective, then she will cease to be your baby girl.
  • OK. Too many close-minded people here. Gotta leave this place before I lose my mind. Later. Have at it conservatives.

    I'm with you. The utter lack of reason in so many of the responses on this thread is, quite frankly, terrifying.

    Reasoned answers don't offer much opportunity for internet Bravado.

    Answers like, "I'd kick his teeth in for even lookin' at ma bayba", however, do.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: btw---I totally agree with you guys!! It's paranoia like this that frustrates the hell out of me. :noway:
  • Meth is a huge epidemic in this country or anywhere for that matter , it is not a joke even though some on here think it is. Anyone looking that crap up isnt doing it for fun they are doing it so they can find out how to make it so be extra suspicious of his future actions. Watch what he buys etc. If it even looks like he is going to be making meth call the cops, dont care who he is to you, if he makes it in your house.garage etc it has a huge risk of explosion, its common knowledge that meth labs are extremely dangerous.

    Are you kidding me? I think like 17 people on here just replied that they look this sort of thing up for fun all the time. I have, too. Am I making meth? **** NO I don't want to be a creepy *kitten* meth head. Do I find it fascinating that you can combine several household items and blow up a persons psyche? Absolutely, but I'm not researching it because I plan on doing it. I just want to know how it works.

    Well down the road when its your son or daughter just looking it up for haha fun, then they blow your house up let me know how that works out for ya :)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    OK. Too many close-minded people here. Gotta leave this place before I lose my mind. Later. Have at it conservatives.
    Yeah, because Brett is one of the most closed-minded, conservative people I know, and he said he'd make the kid a bloody mess. Whatever.

    There are closed-minded liberals too.
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    LOL Ooook. Geez and I thought *I* was oblivious to things. I know people who graduated high school and college who did meth and other stupid stuff as teenagers. You don't always know what kids are doing at home. Or at school. I went to school and got drunk, no one ever suspected a thing, and I kept decent grades.. All you need is a bottle of fruit punch, with just enough punch to color vodka.
    I'm not naive! I know what teenagers do. I'm saying I can do what I can to keep her from dating someone who does meth without home schooling her and locking her up as you suggested. I don't want her dating a guy who does coke, sells illegal drugs, drinks and drives, or is addicted to porn either. I tend to believe where there is smoke there is fire, and I don't want my daughter playing with fire.
  • I would simply talk to both of them. I mean it could just be him being stupid and looking up stupid things, or it could be him looking it up for a friend or him self to do. I would let them know where you stand and that they won't use your computer again. Plus talk to your daughter if she wasn't right there while he was looking it up, then talk to her about possibly finding a new boyfriend. You don't want to force her, cause then she will see him any ways and behind your back. That will kill your relationship with her. I am a mother of three, even though my children are not at that age yet it won't be long. I am a very young mother and I know my boyfriend did stupid things that my mother hated but she never talk to me about anything, she would try and force my hand and we are still trying to mend our relationship. So please talk to her but don't rule her out in this either, she knows what her boyfriend is doing while they are together in your home
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    My daughters boyfriend of many years robbed me of 33000.00 of jewelry and family heirlooms, all my entire DVD collection and other random things. I called the cops and they sent him to rehab for 6 months because he cried to the judge that it was his marijuana addiction that made him do it...... REALLY! You can't even be addicted to that plant! What a stupid judge.

    Sorry to hear this. I do not agree when people use an addiction as an excuse for terrible behaviour.
    FYI - Marijuana is addictive. When smoked it releases endorphins just like gambling, sex, food, heroin, exercise, gaming, shopping. All of which can be a process addiction. Usually only potheads believe it is not addictive as a means to rationalize and minimize their drug use/addiction.

    Judge is right - you are not.

    As someone who spent over a decade munted to high heaven I can attest that it is addictive. The THC itself isn't, but the act in its entirety is. Quitting was hard. Very very hard.
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    If you are too protective, then she will cease to be your baby girl.
    Thank you for the parenting advice.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    If you don't want her around stuff like that, you better pull her out of school and lock her in a bubble without any friends. Kids at school say/do way worse things than googling how to make meth.
    I work at a high school. In my many years of working here, we have never had to deal with a student making meth. I don't have to "pull her out of school" or "lock her in a bubble without any friends" to keep her away from certain things. I also have 25. 20, 18 year old sons who finished high school and college just fine.

    That just goes to show you: DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE! :laugh: :wink:
  • christimw
    christimw Posts: 183 Member

    If you are too protective, then she will cease to be your baby girl.

    Yup! I'm proof of that. My parents never tried to keep me from boys or friends, but they were overprotective, so I rebelled and went crazy. Had they told me I couldn't see someone, guess what I would have done...
  • areufnkiddingme
    areufnkiddingme Posts: 99 Member
    Meth is a huge epidemic in this country or anywhere for that matter , it is not a joke even though some on here think it is. Anyone looking that crap up isnt doing it for fun they are doing it so they can find out how to make it so be extra suspicious of his future actions. Watch what he buys etc. If it even looks like he is going to be making meth call the cops, dont care who he is to you, if he makes it in your house.garage etc it has a huge risk of explosion, its common knowledge that meth labs are extremely dangerous.

    Are you kidding me? I think like 17 people on here just replied that they look this sort of thing up for fun all the time. I have, too. Am I making meth? **** NO I don't want to be a creepy *kitten* meth head. Do I find it fascinating that you can combine several household items and blow up a persons psyche? Absolutely, but I'm not researching it because I plan on doing it. I just want to know how it works.

    Well down the road when its your son or daughter just looking it up for haha fun, then they blow your house up let me know how that works out for ya :)

    My response had nothing to do with whether or not the person was using, it had to do with the fact that you implied EVERYONE who searches is clearly a user of it....
  • Austin1988
    Austin1988 Posts: 243 Member
    If you don't want her around stuff like that, you better pull her out of school and lock her in a bubble without any friends. Kids at school say/do way worse things than googling how to make meth.
    I work at a high school. In my many years of working here, we have never had to deal with a student making meth. I don't have to "pull her out of school" or "lock her in a bubble without any friends" to keep her away from certain things. I also have 25. 20, 18 year old sons who finished high school and college just fine.

    LOL Ooook. Geez and I thought *I* was oblivious to things. I know people who graduated high school and college who did meth and other stupid stuff as teenagers. You don't always know what kids are doing at home. Or at school. I went to school and got drunk, no one ever suspected a thing, and I kept decent grades.. All you need is a bottle of fruit punch, with just enough punch to color vodka.

    I think we would have been friends in high school :)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    If you are too protective, then she will cease to be your baby girl.
    Thank you for the parenting advice.

    No problem. Overprotective parents led me to be a very rebellious young adult. I was "the good girl" until I got to college. Then I found out there was a whole different world out there that my parents shielded me from. Another friend of mine at the same church ended up pregnant at 16 and a meth addict at 18. Communication goes a long way.
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member

    Well down the road when its your son or daughter just looking it up for haha fun, then they blow your house up let me know how that works out for ya :)

    That's a pretty big leap.

    I actually find it hard to believe that people are actually claiming that the only time the use google is for totally practical purposes and not out of random curiosity. Because at the end of the day, that's what people are ultimately saying.
  • christimw
    christimw Posts: 183 Member
    If you don't want her around stuff like that, you better pull her out of school and lock her in a bubble without any friends. Kids at school say/do way worse things than googling how to make meth.
    I work at a high school. In my many years of working here, we have never had to deal with a student making meth. I don't have to "pull her out of school" or "lock her in a bubble without any friends" to keep her away from certain things. I also have 25. 20, 18 year old sons who finished high school and college just fine.

    LOL Ooook. Geez and I thought *I* was oblivious to things. I know people who graduated high school and college who did meth and other stupid stuff as teenagers. You don't always know what kids are doing at home. Or at school. I went to school and got drunk, no one ever suspected a thing, and I kept decent grades.. All you need is a bottle of fruit punch, with just enough punch to color vodka.

    I think we would have been friends in high school :)

    :) Oh yeah I made quite a few of my friends happy too! LOL
  • christimw
    christimw Posts: 183 Member

    No problem. Overprotective parents led me to be a very rebellious young adult. I was "the good girl" until I got to college. Then I found out there was a whole different world out there that my parents shielded me from. Another friend of mine at the same church ended up pregnant at 16 and a meth addict at 18. Communication goes a long way.

    I was "good" until 17. I thought it was insane that all my friends had curfews of 12 or 1, and I had to be home at 10, ONE TIME i talked my dad into 10:30. They could cruise town with friends, I wasn't allowed to have anyone in my car. I couldn't use the phone after a certain time. I was very sheltered until I realized just WHAT went on after I had to be home, so I just stopped coming home, stopped calling and telling them where I was, things like that. I got pregnant at 17. I had no talk of sex other than the basic explanation. If they had been a little more easy going and open, I know my life would have been completely different.
  • Babygirl928
    Babygirl928 Posts: 378 Member
    A .45 and a shovel.
    :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    :noway: how him explain himsel right away. School project?
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I would confront them both. I won't *kitten* around with that with my kids. I was hooked on meth for 2 years starting at 18. Tore my family up and almost killed me several times.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    No problem. Overprotective parents led me to be a very rebellious young adult. I was "the good girl" until I got to college. Then I found out there was a whole different world out there that my parents shielded me from. Another friend of mine at the same church ended up pregnant at 16 and a meth addict at 18. Communication goes a long way.

    I was "good" until 17. I thought it was insane that all my friends had curfews of 12 or 1, and I had to be home at 10, ONE TIME i talked my dad into 10:30. They could cruise town with friends, I wasn't allowed to have anyone in my car. I couldn't use the phone after a certain time. I was very sheltered until I realized just WHAT went on after I had to be home, so I just stopped coming home, stopped calling and telling them where I was, things like that. I got pregnant at 17. I had no talk of sex other than the basic explanation. If they had been a little more easy going and open, I know my life would have been completely different.

    Sounds just like some of the girls at my church. :wink:

    With my kids, I make communication the number one rule. Even though it's uncomfortable at first, it's better to talk about sex and drugs in an open and calm manner than to freak out and yell "Just say no!" and "Stay away from those kids!" I would never tell my kids who to hang out with. They will start seeing their friends anyway and just lie about it.

    I used to tell my mom that I was spending the night with a friend, then actually did whatever I wanted all night. I am lucky that I didn't get pregnant or turn into a dug addict, but I always tried to be careful, even in my wild party days.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    Does he seem like someone who would make meth? If he does, you should probably be concerned.
  • gigiangelique
    gigiangelique Posts: 233 Member
    report the white trash tweaker