What if your daughter's boyfriend did this?



  • gayje
    gayje Posts: 230 Member
    I would be scared that the boyfriend tried meth and liked it well enough that he wants to do it again. His problem is that he (likely) doesn't have the endless amounts of $$ it would require to keep himself in the habit and therefore got the brilliant idea that he could make it himself. My daughter means too much to me to allow her boyfriend the chance to explain those internet searches. Relationship would be over, period. His parents would be informed as to his online searches and they can deal with him however they see fit.
  • ChrisRS87
    ChrisRS87 Posts: 781 Member
    How are you sure it's not your daughter looking up how to cook meth?
  • biscuitwelsh
    biscuitwelsh Posts: 86 Member
    I'd say he's probably just curious/ engaging in a Walter White fantasy, but I'd just ask him straight up.
    Look at it this way-- if he's trying to cook meth but is too dumb to erase his browser history, he probably won't be doing it very long.
  • Austin1988
    Austin1988 Posts: 243 Member
    I'd sit him down and tell him that although the internet is a great resource, the only way to really get things right is through trial and error. Go out, make that meth, sell it, and earn some bank. It's what any responsible parent should do.
  • EndlessSacrifice
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    ... maybe he's setting you up so the FBI looks at your computer thinking YOU are trying to make meth... next thing you know it'll be pedophilia.... I'd suggest passwording your computer, and maybe locking up the mouse and keyboard, or monitor, so he can't do anything with your computer..
  • serena569
    serena569 Posts: 427 Member
    Gathering information ias not bad. People are curious. Doing things is something entirely different.

    My daughter had surgery. Two days later her boyfriend took her pain pills and OD'd on them. (Silly boy. She has a codeine allergy so they weren't even opiate based.) Anywho...I got a call from the police that they were planning to charge my daughter with posession of narcotics. and posession of a prescription that wasn't hers. (I put 10 pills in an old bottle for the same drug but the bottle had my name.)

    I politely suggested they check their drug books and her medic alert bracelet because they are not narcotics. Then I even less politely suggested they go to the Walgreen's around the corner and verify she had a prescription that was filled the day prior.

    After the dumb kid got out of the hospital, he spent a month in treatment and she was not allowed to see him again.

    OK veered way off topic but back to your original question: I would do anything but monitor.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    he would be dead..................that is all!
  • JohnnyLawless
    I was that kind of nuts in high school. I looked up that stuff all the time just because I wanted to *KNOW.* Had no intention of doing it, I just had no compunctions about learning stuff other people found distasteful.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    They'd be dragging me off the bloody mess I made of him.

  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Don't jump to conclusions.

    If anyone looked at my search history, they would see all sorts of things from "how to inject heroin" to "how drag queens tuck". Doesn't mean that I'm doing any of those things...

    OMG! I'm going right away to get "how drag queens tuck" into the search history of my husband's computer. Then I'm gonna confront him on it! Bwahahahaha! :devil:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    he would be dead..................that is all!

    Because looking something up on the Internet is worthy of a death sentence.
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    If he used MY computer (her computer is owned by me also) to look up illegal activities around MY daughter, he'd no longer be allowed in my home and I'd make it as difficult as I could to make sure they were no longer boyfriend and girlfriend. I don't even care if the excuse is he was just curious. If that's the crap you're curious about, I don't want you around my daughter.
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    let his parents know and tell him he is no longer allowed to use any computers in your house. they can track those things to you.
  • fraser112
    I would be scared that the boyfriend tried meth and liked it well enough that he wants to do it again. His problem is that he (likely) doesn't have the endless amounts of $$ it would require to keep himself in the habit and therefore got the brilliant idea that he could make it himself. My daughter means too much to me to allow her boyfriend the chance to explain those internet searches. Relationship would be over, period. His parents would be informed as to his online searches and they can deal with him however they see fit.

    and she would be riding him buckwild within a day.

    Tell her you love her bf that will break them up.
  • melbatoast917
    melbatoast917 Posts: 370 Member
    I have found out that he has been using my computer to find sites on information on how to make meth. Not sure if he is actually doing this but why else would he be looking up the info?

    Turn his *kitten* in, forbid her to see him. End of story.
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    (I put 10 pills in an old bottle for the same drug but the bottle had my name.)

    Why would you do that?
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    Don't jump to conclusions.

    If anyone looked at my search history, they would see all sorts of things from "how to inject heroin" to "how drag queens tuck". Doesn't mean that I'm doing any of those things...

    OMG! I'm going right away to get "how drag queens tuck" into the search history of my husband's computer. Then I'm gonna confront him on it! Bwahahahaha! :devil:

  • Austin1988
    Austin1988 Posts: 243 Member
    I have found out that he has been using my computer to find sites on information on how to make meth. Not sure if he is actually doing this but why else would he be looking up the info?

    Turn his *kitten* in, forbid her to see him. End of story.

    It's not illegal to check wikipedia on how to make meth.
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    If my daughter was underage still I would make her stop seeing him (if that's even possible) and I would put a child protection on my computer so nobody can look up sites that are not allowed. I suggest you ask him about the meth site and if he is making it don't let him to your house anymore.