tobin1 Member


  • she assumed MFP said 1200 for me but i just went in and redid it and it is saying around 1500 for me before work out,that is for lossing 1.5 im 5.4 188 and would like to loose and get around 170. I just want to be REAL. I enjoy cooking and sell at the farmers markets I want to kick this depression inthe butt and be happy…
  • i just went in and set my , I had it at 1200 and with workouts it was around 1500 . I want to loose weight and it suggesting now that I eat around 1800 calories, will I really loose with eating that many calories. At first I assumed fewer calories and dont eat extras but i must be WRONG.......any help
  • so curious to know/understand this better. I am at 1000 calories and with workout it goes to 1500 r u **really suppose to eat that much more** my nurse said I have been at this the wrong way. I was trying to eat at 1200 calories. I want to loose weight I do zumba daily 20/40 minutes and walk as well as we have a little…
  • ALEXIA brand makes sweet potato tater tots. they are good and healthy as well
  • so are you all saying you should eat the calories that you burn or just eat to go back to whqt you should be at
  • how many calories did u come up with on the sandwich looks delicious :D
  • new to this but yummy and thankd for posting what all is in your salad and how many calories are in the meal form that day
  • im still waiting for it to get here ;) I drink the lowest oj 50 cal just once daily and dont cook with butter. I am just trying to loose a little extra pounds that I have picked back up ,lol i am going to READ on the foods it just looks like no one eats food that I do occasionally like to have but once i get it and read on…
  • i can send it back no questions asked i just want to see soemthing work and well that doesnt seem to be my thing. I eat real food and like to bake homemade foods and REAL LIFE you know i read where it said no oj but once a week i have 8 oz daily in the morning and no butter that is crazy to
  • I LOVE ZUMBA,I started over an year ago going to classes BUT I dont like working out often with others and the $$$ wasnt worth it SO I started using zumba Wii and I lost weight and I even worked out during half of my pregnancy.AFter I had my son 4 months ago I bought the Wii Zumba Core for yself and I would not go back to…
  • taking freind requests...the more the better this will be for all of hit me up for friendships
  • Always looking for an new friend or 2 or 3..........I have an 11 yr old(turning 12 in October.I weighed a lot and then this December I decided to loose weight with MFP and Zumba with walking WORKED I went from 200 to 190 in a month and got PREGNANT with baby #2.I continued walking and eating lots of fruit with…
  • OMG,I love banana bread and use to make it ALL THE TIME not since I started watching calories,I will be trying this.THANKS
  • Name: JAMIE Hubby/Partner: Shane How many kids do you have: 1(11 yrs old) Due Date: Sept.4 2012 Do you know the gender: No Have you picked out the baby's name: YES,boy and girl Where do you live: US,Indiana Workouts you are doing while pregnant: ZUMBA at home,WALKING Anything else you'd like to share: still learning since…
  • I am TRYING to find the group but whenever I click and paste it says cant find,HELP. I am 7 weeks pregnant with baby # 2,it has been 11 yrs for me and I need all the support BC with son I gained too much and was on bed rest had blood pressure etc. I started this and lost 10 pounds and then found out that I was pregnant so…
  • I had the same and the responce I got was you go to the website above and enter your in fo and you will get the exact number of calories,I did enter it as dancing but come on you really sweat your a** off doing ZUMBA
  • I have a bad habit of grabbing a cookie when I walk into the kitchen so for now on I am HIDING THE SWEETS from myself.I have to totally agree with you I never realized the calories in things that I was eating until I started logging them into my foods.It is disqusting when I think about eating certain things,we ate out and…
  • I decided to just go with the ZUMBA CALORIE COUNT and manually add those numbers in.
  • THANKS I went to the site and did the info in and WOW the calories are really higher than what MFP has for dancind etc.The calories that I have been adding from the MFP is lower than the website SO ???????????????????????Do I just continue with MFP or do I start using the website and add the calories burned from what they…
  • I LOVE ZUMBA,I do tend to get bored with the music BC I use to attend the class but then I figured it was cheaper to get the Wii game and do it at home to save gas.The music the class used was totally different but oh well.i did order Black eye Peas for me for Christmas just to add some extra dancing. Best of luck to…
  • I went to the dentist today and came out starving and all numb from having 2 filllings then off to Kroger anf guess what was marked down cookies(oatmeal & raisin)I just had 5 bc they r so soft so I can chew.Man why r they so good............................ I do have a weakness