

  • she's right.. if you are constantly working one arm more than the other, they will always be uneven. they can't balance out naturally unless they are being worked the same :)
  • thanks for your help guys. i have been thinking about swimming already- might give that a try. and i will also use this opportunity to focus extra hard on my upper body. it's just a bummer feeling so lazy!
  • if yr only 20, i think it's totally alright for you to have fun and enjoy the relationship for what it is right now. no 20 year old should be focused on finding "the one" anyway. you should be worrying about yourself and having fun. its up to you where this current boy fits in, but don't feel pressure to pursue a life that…
  • I just started this last night. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be, but I felt great afterwards. I have been doing cardio, mostly on the elliptical and a lot of walking (i am trying to go for a jog/walk every morning and I walk 2 miles home from work almost every night) but all of that was nothing compared to…
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