

  • I was actually wondering if it could be a combination of the med levels and gaining muscle. I'm so glad I was told about this site because I know I've got support out there! :) I think tomorrow I"m just going to get up with a positive attitude and keep trying. And on Monday see if I can get my blood levels checked.
  • I hate hearing this, and honey, it's not just you. I know I don't really like it when people say "I know how you feel" when they really have NO clue what it's like to truly not have any money. I've been there and in fact, still trying desperately to figure a way out. I hope that your home will be rebuilt in a somewhat…
  • Do most of these things have nutrasweet or some sort of artifical sugars?
  • Count me in for the move your@ss challenge....I'm looking forward to having a goal other than the one in my head. Now that it's on paper, it's more real! :) I'll be doing 80 miles this month...
  • Hey! Count me in on this group....grew up showing hunter/jumpers and my "addiction" is still as strong as ever though I quit showing many years ago. Now a lot of my horse time is spent working with a therapeutic riding program. I'm trying to start my own here in NC and hope I can get it off the ground this year. It still…
  • This sounds like a great idea! Can you tell me more details? What's the deadline on losing the 10 lbs? I'd like to do that by the end of I nuts?