boy this is frustrating!

So, I've been on here a couple of weeks now. For the past month, I've been power/race walking a minimum of 45 minutes a day in 90+ degree heat w/70% humidity (lots of sweating); drinking at least 2 quarts of water and not going over 1500 calories a day...

I haven't lost a pound....what's up with that???? I know I have a thyroid problem, the underactive type and take meds for it....I wonder if I need to up the meds (w/doctor's permssion) to see if it helps...

And ideas out there?


  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    It could still be that your levels aren't right. When's the last time you had a blood test? You might want to get that done and see if anything has changed.
  • Mommy_Sans_The_Fat
    Gaining muscle? I'm not sure. I'm sorry! That IS frustrating!!
  • bbpictures
    I was actually wondering if it could be a combination of the med levels and gaining muscle. I'm so glad I was told about this site because I know I've got support out there! :)

    I think tomorrow I"m just going to get up with a positive attitude and keep trying. And on Monday see if I can get my blood levels checked.
  • Mkin
    Mkin Posts: 43
    I tend to see results more so in how clothes fit then on the scale so don't be too disheartened. I tend to only weigh myself once a month. But if you are concerned you should see your doctor about your thyroid problem to see if that is affecting it.
    But well done on the awesome work so far.
  • melliebee
    melliebee Posts: 187 Member
    It took me months to start losing weight despite working out regularly and staying under my calories. Even now I hit a plateau very 3 weeks!! It takes A LOT of patience. Some people simply don't lose as fast as others. But consistency will make it come off! Slowly but surely! Just dont give up!
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    You may not be eating enough. With the calories you burn exercising you need to make sure you NET 1500 calories. Not eating enough will slow your weight loss.
  • ritafay2011
    :smile: Hello,don't give up!!!! I have underactive thyroid issues as well...Portion control works for me !!! >>>>mfp's will be with you to the end!!!!....I have my blood work up to date every three months its needs adjusted sometimes;/ ...sorry you are frustrated :((....Just don't give up!!!!!!
  • amber_hanners
    amber_hanners Posts: 388 Member
    sorry u are frustrated feel free to add me for extra support. Also i just put a 10 pound weight on my scale and it weighed zero now im frustrated and need a new scale uggh