

  • Fruit (berries, apples, small banana) Almonds -- Emerald has 100 cal packs of almonds in vanilla, cocoa, and cinnamon flavors that are really good. You can also buy the larger container and weigh them out into 100 cal portions, I use little snack size baggies String cheese or BabyBel cheese A Wasa cracker with a Laughing…
  • ^^ This For easier workouts, you could try just walking or jogging on the treadmill or use an elliptical. A lot of exercise videos (including most of Jillian's) have modified moves for beginners. For example, moving your legs side to side instead of doing a full jumping jack, planking and push ups with your knees on the…
  • Do you have Amazon Prime? They have a ton of free workout videos. I've been doing Denise Austin's sculpt & burn alternated with Jillian's banish fat boost metabolism videos. But they have way more than that to choose, more cardio, etc.
  • I agree that the chicken satay would be a good option. We had Thai last week and I got the garlic & white pepper chicken with 1/2 the rice.
  • I weigh myself daily :smile: I don't think there is anything wrong with it, as long as you don't let normal scale fluctuations get you down. If you have a big dinner or a salty menu one day, know that you'll likely see a (temporary!) gain on the scale. Same with beginning a new workout routine, or sometimes even for no…
  • If it's something baked in a casserole dish, you can cut into equal size pieces and use the number of pieces as your serving size. Like a 9x13 pan of something might be 8 or 12 servings, depending on how you cut it. For something like soup or sauce, I would weigh your pot when it's empty. If your pot weighs 2 lb empty, you…
  • I'm at 1200 and you really do get used to it. I do work out every day though and eat a portion of those calories. Typical meals for me are things like: Breakfast - fruit (berries, apple), cheese (babybel, WW cheese stick), almonds or eggs/egg whites, lean deli meat Lunch - lean protein (chicken breast, tuna, swai,…
    in 1200 Comment by Chase510 January 2014
  • If I track my alcohol and fit it into my calories, I still lose weight. Personally my struggles are: 1. still wanting to get up and work out in the morning if I have a few the night before and 2. it's much harder to resist cravings and mindless eating after I've had a few If I can just have some drinks without those things…
  • Click above "my home." Then click "check in" and "edit previous entries". Then you can edit your starting weight.
  • How can you possibly think you are getting all the nutrients and calories your body needs from drinking some lemon juice, water, and salt???????? Cleanses are unnecessary and can throw off your body's digestive system. If you eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of water, your body will clean itself.