Six5 Member


  • W7D3 today. Attempted it Thursday but just couldn't make my brain shut up so I gave up after 1.9 miles. Finished today though.
  • Thanks everyone. I'm constantly amazed at what my body can do when I don't let my brain interfere. What do I think about: mostly just try to distract myself with my music, the scenery and when I want to quit I tell myself: just get to that tree or mailbox or whatever. And when I get there, I pick a new spot. Sometimes I do…
  • Well, I decide to skip W7D3 today and run 5k. Partially to see how long it took me and part to prove to myself that I could. My first 5K is coming up on Wednesday and to say I am nervous is an understatement. I talk myself out of not showing up for it several times a day. Especially today when I saw that I am one of 5…
  • That is so awesome! Congrats!
  • Thanks! First 5K on Veteran's day! I'm nervous but excited.
  • Thanks @MimiOfTheLusciousLawn and @moyer566 ! I don't think I had experienced runner's high before that day. When I heard the words "you're halfway there" in my ears, I turned around and started running back to my car with an extra pep in my step. When she said "one minute left" I said "hell yeah!" And felt like a real…
  • W7D2 complete and I kicked it's *kitten*! Ran in a new place, along the ridge of a mountain, chasing the sunset. Felt so good, I ran instead of walked most of the the cool-down. A full 29 minutes of running!
  • Congrats! That's awesome! Attempted W7D2 yesterday but got a sharp pain in my side about 3/4 mile in. Gutted it out for another half mile but just couldn't do it. Going to re-attempt this evening.
  • W7D1! I was so ready to let my brain win and give up but I heard the lovely "one minute left" and I pushed through. Holy crap. I just ran 25 minutes straight! :p
  • I wish I could say I planned it that way but I was just overwhelmed with work and life and feeling lazy/unmotivated. Back on the wagon now. First 5K in just under 2 weeks! I'm nervous but yesterday gave me a little boost of confidence. Going to start week 7 tomorrow. :#
  • Thanks @MimiOfTheLusciousLawn and @moyer566 Finished W6D3 today after a 7 day break from running. I can't believe I ran for 22 minutes straight!
  • Thanks @moyer566 I felt pretty crappy about it. Couldn't finish the last running interval (HILLS. UGH). Repeated it today and it was awesome. Including my warm up walk and cool down, I was 0.04mi short of a 5K and increased my speed to 11.5 mph. Feeling pretty stoked tonight.
  • W6D2 today!
  • Congrats! That's so awesome!
  • W6D1 today!
  • W5D3 today. Felt really good. I wasn't able to get 2 miles in the 20 min but got close @1.71!
  • I hear you. That's why I keep running by my house (with hills. Ugh.) instead of going to the track at my local middle school. I figure it's better for my end goal to struggle up a hill then to get used to running on glorious flat ground. Hahaha
  • 6 weeks into my C25K program and signed up for my first 5K too!
  • W5D2 today! Hills suck at the end of your workout during your 8 min interval!
  • W5D1 today!
  • W4D3 today! Starting W5 Thursday because I have a super long day at work Wednesday.
  • W4D2 today! It was cold and rainy but I felt great at about the halfway point through my cool down.
  • W4D1 today! Really focused on form, controlling my breathing and slowing down.
  • Same. I stopped looking at the intervals because I was getting myself all worked up before even leaving the house.
  • Repeated W3D3 today and kicked it's *kitten*. When I did it on Sunday, I couldn't make it all the way through the last 3 min running interval. Ready for week 4!
  • W3D2 today. Took a real rest day yesterday and shaved 2 min off my time without making a conscious effort to do so. Just ran it out with the music. :D
  • W3D1 today in the rain! Proud of myself for running despite the weather and also proud that I made it through all the intervals (even when the last 3 min was uphill!) without stopping to walk. My legs really felt like lead at the end of that interval.
  • finished w2 today. usually I run one day and walk the next. I've skipped the walks in favor of a run for 3 days and I feel great! I'm getting a little faster because today I went a quarter of a mile farther than before. :smile:
  • Squats will help tone your butt if you do them as described above but step ups and glute bridges will help a lot.
  • I guessed my goal weight. Honestly I don't care what the scale says. I just want to be fit and strong. So I'm adjusting as necessary during my weight loss.