

  • How bout a protein shake or bar? I usually drink a shake with some added fruit after my workout and it's around 200 calories. Vanilla with frozen peaches or chocolate with strawberries. Good stuff.
  • Hi. I looked at your diary but only saw you've logged your calories in just the last couple of days so I'm just going off those. Are you logging your exercise as well? If you are only eating the calories you've logged and exercising, I don't think you're eating enough. Especially on the days you're exercising. I went…
  • Same here. I was eating 1150-1250 calories and the weight loss stopped. As soon as I upped it to 1500, it started again.
    in P90X Comment by peggyo May 2010
  • P90X works, no doubt about it. I'm on my 11th week and have lost 15 lbs, 10+ inches and have gained muscle I've never had before. I feel absolutely fantastic as well-just turned 42 and feel better than I did at 32. The workouts are tough but they get the job done. If you have a facebook account, you may want to join the…
    in P90X Comment by peggyo May 2010
  • I'm in my 5th week of P90X and feel fantastic! I've lost 6lbs and 6 inches so far. I'm definitely gaining muscle and seeing changes from week to week. I look forward to working out now! I highly recommend this program.
  • I dated someone like that when I was a teenager. He had the worst mood swings. One minute he was great, the next it was like he was a totally different person. Then the day came he decided to take a swing at me. I left and never came back. I too had my doubts like you before he got physical. My family and friends tried to…
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