

  • i definitely think Heba should leave. BUTTT... i think it was kinda stupid for phillip to run to her best guy friend in the house (i can't remember his name) and try to form an alliance with him to get rid of Heba. You're playing on teams! of course they're not going to be in an alliance with you!! good lord lol. i'm with…
  • i find it easier to actually plan my meals in advanced and log them BEFORE i eat them. that way i know how many calories i ate and not have a huge surprise when i log it afterward and it was exactly what i didn't need.:bigsmile:
  • yeah join the newbies club. i'm in it too lol. but yeah i started the same way you are, visiting the site off and on, but now its my homepage and i dont feel right if i dont visit it atleast a few times a day just to log everything. i also ended with negative calories today...GO NEWBS!!!
  • i know i can. what are something's that motivate you? that's one of my problems is motivation, because of the simple fact that i HAVE gotten comfortable with myself. and it's a little hard for me to find motivation.
  • i accepted myself because i thought it would never change. i figured i could do it whenever i wanted to and nobody would mind. But i went to the doctor for irregular periods, which lead me to an endocrinologist. He told me that i was dangerously close to being diagnosed with diabetes and that i better get on track because…
  • i just recently started trying to lose weight and its so difficult. sometimes i wonder why i even started it. I've been a "husky" person ever since i was a baby. And i've sorta gotten used to it. And sometimes when i'm working out i wonder why i started this diet and workout thing anyway. Is it bad that i've kinda accepted…