

  • So I have my start weight now! And it's a 11kg more than last time I weighed myself and 6kg more than I thought I'd be. How did I let this happen?!!? Urgh. Well it's a start, time to get ride of it!
  • My boyfriend has been doing this. I stand on his feet and count for him or watch him on webcam if we aren't together. He was really struggling at first to get to a total of 75, but after about 7 sessions he did 131 total yesterday and I'm so proud. If only I was as motivated as him though :P
  • I've only just started this dieting thing but it's really nice to read about others achieving their goals and all the changes you've had. Keep up the good work and I hope in a month or so I'll be able to tell you about having to throw away clothes because they are too big or something equally pleasing :)