Weighing In Fear

So I start my 1500cal diet on Monday with the aim of weighing 65kg, except I don't know how much I currently weigh. My bf bought a set of scales yesterday as he is also dieting with me and will bring them over tomorrow.

The last time I weighed myself I was just over 80kg, I'm really worried since then I'll be something like 85. Which means I have so much more weight to lose. Part of me doesn't really want to know. I'd just be happy seeing little changes in my body and clothes instead, but I realise I need to know where I'm starting from. I also don't want him to know how much I weigh.


  • mamacassi
    mamacassi Posts: 131
    For just general information... you should. But dont do it in the afternoon if you can help it. Morning rule. Do it once, and just say okay I can do this. The number doesn't mean much actually, so if it's too hard on you, don't. But it's nice to have a set goal. Either way youll see a difference
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Definitely weigh so you have a starting point. Weigh in the morning...pee & poop if you have to/can, don't eat or drink anything, then weigh, with as little or no clothing as possible.
  • confuseacat
    confuseacat Posts: 137 Member
    I have been doing this for almost 3 weeks and have not weighed in but once. My clothes are fitting better and I feel more energetic. I hate the scale because it is such a let down if you gain water weight it can fluctuate daily. The scale can become a daily obsession and is just setting yourself up for feelings of failure if you hop on it every time you go into the same room with it. Been there and done that before!
    More important are measurements so get out the tape measure instead of the scale. If you feel healthier and are following the exercise and food journaling plan you are doing great!
  • vjh431
    vjh431 Posts: 38
    Knowing your weight is a great starting point. Just remember this is the beginning of the adventure not the end. Also make sure you do your measurements for neck, waist, and hips because you could be losing inches before the scale shows you losing significant weight and that's always a good incentive to keep you going.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • miach
    miach Posts: 5
    So I have my start weight now!

    And it's a 11kg more than last time I weighed myself and 6kg more than I thought I'd be. How did I let this happen?!!? Urgh.

    Well it's a start, time to get ride of it!