

  • Makes total sense. Thank you for taking the time to explain it!
  • Agree with the above poster; NMTZ and BFBM are great to alternate. I'd also recommend Jillian's Extreme Shed & Shred and Hard Body workouts. Both have 2 levels so you can up your workout after a while. I've been alternating a 25 minute workout (30DS/RI30) with a 45 minute one like the above options and am seeing some great…
  • I just log it as "Circuit training, general."
  • If you sit near an electrical outlet, you should try a mini-crockpot. It's not a cooker, just a warmer, but it is fabulous for warming up soup, veggies, leftovers, etc. Better than a microwave for sure, and only $20 (not a spokesperson for them, promise). I'm a teacher and only have about 15 minutes to scarf down my lunch.…
  • I love this workout. It is my favorite Jillian Michaels' DVD so far! The moves on this workout are unlike any I've ever seen on a workout dvd and very effective. I've been doing it now for about 3 weeks, about every other day, and I've definitely seen results. It's divided up into 2 levels; level 1 is about 35 minutes,…
  • I know this wasn't part of your list, but I would HIGHLY recommend her newest workout, Extreme Shed & Shred. In my opinion is the most "fun" workout of hers to date. The moves are different from anything else out there and incredibly effective... I absolutely love it and am seeing great results so far.
  • LOVE PB2! Both the plain and chocolate varieties are delicious, much lower in calories than regular peanut butter (45 cal/2 TB vs 180 cal / 2 TB). I have found it at health food stores, but you can buy larger containers for much less per ounce online. Try Amazon.
  • Good idea. I have used those pouches before and really like them. Minute rice also makes microwaveable pilafs...had forgotten about those options. And thanks for the idea about getting the staff to heat up foods. I've already had the idea that if I really need to, I'll just sweet-talk the staff into letting me borrow a…
  • I love this idea! Definitely will be using this trick if I don't end up getting a microwave. Thanks!
  • Yes, I'm driving, and I should have room for a small cooler. I think this hotel will have options for food. It is connected to a pretty large convention center, and there are several restaurants/cafes in the center. I'm going to take as much food as I can to make on my own, but you're right that I should be able to…
  • Stir it into oatmeal with some cinnamon or pumpkin spice in the mornings. Include it into shakes with protein powder, almond milk, banana, & spices. Make pumpkin pancakes or waffles (there are a ton of great recipes online) Mix it in with spice cake mix or chocolate chip muffin mix for a lower-cal dessert option (like…
  • Not flying, but great idea on the resistance band! I have a few of those I can take with me.
  • Bumping to get more ideas... Here's the list I have so far. If anyone can think of anything else I could take (preferably shelf-stable or just-add-water items), please help me add to the list! Applesauce Almonds Peanut or almond butter (PB2, to-go packets) Bread/wraps/English muffins for PB sandwiches Bananas, apples…
  • Thanks for the replies! On one of the conventions, I'm taking about 50 high school students, so my ability to go to any restaurant of my choosing may be limited. The hotel definitely has restaurant and room service options, and eggs should be easy to come by. I'm going to call today to see if I can snag a mini-fridge. If I…