MaynardLD50 Member


  • I pretty much learned how to run on a treadmill during my journey thus far. Last week I decided to do a warm up jog before doing my HIIT 40 Yard Sprints and holy crap was it a LOAD harder. I'm pretty sure I was running at a 7 - 7.5 speed, which seemed slow still, and I learned that I really need to pace my breathing. That…
  • Soooooooooooo, how's everyone doing? Still chugging along? Any burning questions out there? Almost finished reading a book on Leptin and let me tell you Leptin is absolutely fascinating. The effect that Leptin has on weight loss is pretty damn remarkable and I'm amazed that outside of Alan Aragon, Lyle McDonald and a few…
  • Polar FT7 POLAR POLAR POLAR POLAR I really should work for Polar considering how much I advocate it. Tracks calories burned using your actual heart rate vs steps taken (Meh.)
  • My favorite? Sugar. To be specific no refine sugar. That means the only sugars you can touch is natural, fructose (fruit), Lactose (milk) and that's about it. Welcome to hell.
  • I was going to completely blast you for posting "Fructose" thinking you were advocating against fruit while dieting, which is completely wrong and absurd, but agree with you on Glucose (sugar). Sugar is bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad. Fruit? Not bad.
  • You're daily calories should be 10,000. Kidding. Take that website for the easy no math to it approach. If the website says that fat loss should be 1966 stick with 1950. Don't over think it. 1950 is your goal and DO NOT EAT YOUR EXERCISE calories back! You figured out your calories on that website because you put in how…
  • But I just posted a page ago on 14? I'm still here, just crazy busy with real life :)
  • A FREAKING MEN. If you look at my diary you'll notice I have a weakness for peanut butter, aka I eat it every day out of the jar....How do I deal with my obvious PB addiction? PB2 BABY! If you haven't gotten this yet GO NOW! Remember you NEED fat in your diet. PB is a great source, but a…
  • Because muscle is extremely hard to build unless genetically gifted. On average we build muscle at EXTREMELY low rates 5 - 10% a YEAR, so if I can keep as MUCH of my hard earned existing muscle as possible and lose a good solid 1lb of fat a week I'll take that route. Don't take this personally because it is not meant…
  • Keep it rocking all! Working on some new stuff that I really feel really would have helped me during my initial stages of "This is a contest" to "Holy ****, I can do this and maintain it".
  • You can compromise on anything, you choose how bad you want this. I'm a walking scientific lab that does things just to test them out so I can write cool papers. Ketosis? Been there done that, suffered the complete lack of sex drive (awful), erectile dysfunction (tmi? Didn't matter didn't have sex drive haha), puking on…
  • I just recently started drinking my coffee black and it's amazing. If I really want to enjoy it? Totally going to get flamed for this, Grande Skinny Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks extra hot = 130 calories = sweet sweet heaven in my mouth ( I know it's not really coffee, but's ITS SO F'ING GOOD)
  • WHEW! Full Time job keeping up with this. :) Love it! I would tell you that you should absolutely crank your calories up from 1600 that MFP is recommending. It seems that, I did not know this, that MFP will underestimate your calories a little to compensate for the fact that you will be figuring in exercise. If you did the…
  • as you can see from my avatar I'm a proponent of "in my underwear". Guys nude just look strange, like we should be wearing a belt so I have somewhere to put my hands. amirite?
  • Whole Lee Sheet. If this doesn't motivate everyone in the world that it is entirely possible I dont know what will. FANTASTIC!
  • I would highly recommend you don't go for the "Extreme Fat Loss!" approach to your change. The old saying of slow and steady wins the race holds VERY true when it comes to losing weight. Remember you're not dieting, your changing your lifestyle. Mellolife, Tom Venuto's book caters to humans :) The book is not really gender…
  • The bulk of my reading and studies are primarily dug up from medical studies and based on research findings, so please before you begin thread dumping and calling these people crazy why don't you go study? I don't mean to sound nasty, but lashing out at people for taking something away from a struggle I went through is…
  • More like "Of course not, you must be saying this tongue in cheek because everything I read on the internet can't be true can it?" No, it was tongue and cheek.
  • I would recommend eating back half of them if you use MFP calorie burning estimations. I use a heart rate monitor that has been proven to be about 90 - 94% accurate, Polar FT7. If you can spare $100, buy one it was one of the best investments I made on this journey. I'm the pot calling the kettle black though, I…
  • Not to cross post, but please go read this
  • Thanks for reminding me that I need to watch this movie. I saw it on Netflix and I always forget to watch it. To you iPhone users out there I highly recommend Fooducate. Fooducate is a free app that you can scan UPC barcodes and it rates it based on it's "Naturalness"
  • Glad everyone is benefiting from this. I knew someone out there would be feeling or going through the same exact thing I experienced. I'm currently reading about 6 medical studies that were forwarded to me about calorie cycling. I'm learning more now than I thought I ever could. Thanks for posting that link to the Katch…
  • I would try to avoid Popcorn in general. I sound like a foodsnob now, which is hysterical considering my favorite night snack was buttered popcorn, but you should eat some fat free cottage cheese and a little bit of fruit. The cottage cheese is primarily casein protein which takes a LONG time to digest in our bodies. Don't…
  • How do you know your burning 3000 calories cycling? I began cycling over the summer and I wear a heart rate monitor almost everyday and barely ever came close to 1400 after an hour and a half of hard cycling. Not calling you a liar, so don't take offense :) Just saying don't rely of MFP estimates for there stuff. Want to…
  • Wow what a response! I'm glad I'm not the only one who was/is/did suffer from this same problem. I'll gladly answer all of your questions here I would say you must figure this out Chevitz. The Katch McArdle way to figure out your calories is wideley regarded as the most accurate way to determine your caloric needs for your…
  • Don't worry about eating later. A calorie at 10:30pm is a calorie at 4pm is a calorie at 7am. Now if you're eating pizza and candy I don't care what time it is you're derailing :) Drink 10oz of water real fast and you'll get rid of that snack crave REAL FAST :) You can do this, I believe in you and if I can do it you can…
  • I'll share my quick story for you because I believe it will benefit you to know where you'll be headed if you continue the low diet road. I started in June 2011 based off a bet and a contest. I was trucking along and losing weight pretty rapidly every month. I started at 271 and found myself at 218 by November. Everyone I…
  • Thanks everyone! :) It's about not dieting (sounds so short term) and accepting this as a lifestyle change, a new habit.