jhuguez Member


  • I'm a runner and a hiker who dabbles in strength training and any new fun exercise I can find to try. I definitely struggle with eating and weight. I'm a 40 year old math teacher and a mother of 4. :) Friend me if you'd like.
  • Starting over again also. Looking to lose 25 pounds but having trouble getting past 5. Definitely could use some extra support to stay consistent. Feel free to add me.
  • I’m a teacher and have all the same difficulties with schedules, not to mention special events at school (food everywhere in December and May). I’d love to have some teachers in my support circle. Feel free to add me!
  • Way to go staying motivated to run. I feel your pain. I run in Phoenix...in the summer. Even after dark it’s over 100 degrees. We don’t get humidity though for another month or so.
  • I’m new to the community side of MFP. I’d love to have some active MFP friends (both physically active and active on MFP). I just turned 40 and in recent years have been noticing the differences in ease of losing weight (or lack there of). I exercise just about every day and have an open diary. Please feel free to add me!
  • Mine’s open. Feel free to add me. I’d love to see what others do to get some fresh ideas.
  • What about doing a weight loss contest like a biggest loser format? This can be very motivating for some. Consider having a prize at the end. If you aren't opposed to it, you can have a buy in and winner takes all.
  • I like the Fiber One Brownies too. Another good snack that I enjoy when I am in the mood for munching is the Sensible Solutions straws. They have Apple Straws which are nicely sweet and veggie straws which are potato chip like. You get 38 straws for 130 calories. I usually have 19 for 65 calories.
  • I agree that low fat chocolate milk is an excellent recovery drink.
  • I went looking for the calorie counter on Mayo Clinic. I found a calorie counter that calculated what you needed to eat to maintain. MFP gives you a calorie count so that you can lose weight. So eating what MFP gave you should help you lose weight in a healthy way.
  • Thanks everyone!
  • Low Fat chocolate milk is an excellent recovery drink after a workout. Peanut Butter, Honey, and Banana sandwich is also a great snack/small meal for athletes or anyone working out. Like the chocolate milk, it is a good source of protein and carbs.
  • I used to think it was counterproductive too, until I really started to analyze it. Just by being alive, I burn 1800 calories a day but only eat 1200 on MyFitnessPal. So I am going to lose weight without exercise. So for me, if I burn 400 calories in a day, which I do at least 4 days per week, and I don't eat my burned…