Huskeryogi Member


  • It's like anything else in weight loss. Do what WORKS for YOU. If you're eating your daily calorie recommendation and eating 2 hours after getting up and losing weight then keep doing it. If it's not working try something different. I don't eat breakfast. I get up at 6 AM and don't eat til 1 PM. Works for me.
  • I used to have a Polar T4 or T5. It told HRM and calories and I always felt it was accurate. I loved it but the battery ran out (after 4 years) and the chest band had to be sent back to the manufacturer to be replaced (I think they've changed that now). That was about $90. I was going to buy another one, but ended up…
  • I think people need to live and let live. She arranged for absolutely qualified care givers. Why is it anyone else's business?
  • I don't trust that the number on mine is completely accurate either. It does seem to be consistent so I just used it to track my trend. When I get closer to goal weight I'm going to get my BF % tested by water displacement.
  • Just wondering what exactly is there to read between the lines? The original post in this chain assumes that because she feels a certain way everyone does. I do not find whistles or cat calls at all flattering. It's degrading. Maybe MissAnjy should speak for herself rather than tell me how I feel.
  • If you diary is accurate then I'd highly bet it's sodium and you are retaining water. Subway is very high in sodium. Drink a lot of water today and add sodium to your tracker and stay under the goal today. I bet those 3 lbs are gone by Saturday.
  • I think the point of this thread was to dress your body, not the body you wish you had, or the body your friends have. I quit shopping for pants in the juniors section when I was 13, but to this day at 31 I will still buy the occasion shirt or dress. I have a friend who is 29 and TINY. No hips and barely any boobs. She…
  • There are also some highly recommended videos on YouTube of guys who put together really challenging workouts using entirely body weight exercises. The only name I know off the top of my head is Craig Ballantyne and I might not have spelled that right.
  • Unfortunately it is genetics. I'm 5'10.5" and got down to 167 last year (goal is 154). I was a little demotivated to continue because my lower body still needed to lose those pounds but my collarbones were starting to freak me out. I decided to give it another go, because I'm hoping my upper body won't get any skinnier…
  • And every Sunday after my "long" run that burns in the 600-800 calorie range I have a Mtn Dew.
  • ^Love this I eat at 9PM every night and go to sleep at 10 PM. I haven't had any issues losing weight. But I fast every morning. I'm a firm believer in calories in vs calories out. Just find a schedule that works for you and helps you stay in your calorie goal.
  • Pretty much this. My biggest "treats" are cheese and mashed potatoes. Once during football season I will stuff myself with Nachos and cheese dip and on Thanksgiving I will go overboard on mashed potatoes.
  • She didn't say all women. She said many. I'm one of the many. Is your arguement that if I can't do 5 pushups I can't possible be in decent shape?
  • I agree with this post. Why do you need to be able to log it as strength training? I will absolutely agree that I got stronger doing yoga, but it's not like lifting where you need to keep track of your weight, reps, and sets.
  • I'll admit it. I'm in decent shape (not great) and I can't do 5 full motion pushups.
  • I can understand giving books a second chance. But there are so many books out there to read that I have a hard time spending too much time on something I'm not enjoying. I try to throw in 3-5 books of the "Classic" variety every year, but if I'm not enjoying it on any level by the time I'm 25% into it I'm out. (That's…
  • I think there's some truth to not appreciating things you are forced to read, but most of the books I listed as hated had nothing to do with them being somber or depressing. Anna Karenina just dragged. If you cut out the pages and pages about mowing and other such topics and just focused on the plot driven story I probably…
  • And I'm 5'10" and have had my BF% tested. I have 127 lbs of lean mass. At 130 I'd have a BF % of just over 2%. Not healthy. There's difference by person. As many people have already said "Big Boned" is probably not the correct term. "Large Frame" is probably more correct. I do believe people use it as a cop out for being…
  • OMG those are both great books! And great choices for high school reading! I hated - Tess of D'urberville, The Scarlett Letter, Grapes of Wrath, A Tale of Two Cities, and anything by Jane Austen ( why does she have to use 4 paragraphs to describe every character the instance they are introduced? Why can't she let you…
  • I never do that with Walmart or Target or stores like that, but I totally do with department stores. Note to self quit pluralizing (is that a word?) department store names.
  • Along the same lines as soul vs sole. Using fowl when you mean foul. I end up picturing whatever is described as fowl with wings.
  • I do this ALL THE TIME on my blog. So I should stop?
  • Misuse of the word literally. It is very hot, but you are not literally melting. You are figuratively melting, This one drives me crazy.
  • Thank you for typing this out so I didn't have to.
  • I was gonna say "Not Me". I loathe cleaning and a couple times a year I let my laundry pile up so bad that I end up paying someone else to do it.
  • I didn't read thru the whole thread because the tangent about whether running can build muscle gave me a headache. Thought I'd throw this out there. If you are doing mostly steady state cardio you might want to alternate with some High intensity intervals.…
  • So they will learn something new. I haven't read any comments that were directed at any specific individual. We are just discussing common mistakes. In my experience most of the people making these errors just don't care. Which is their perogative (sp). I would also bet that most the people commenting here don't correct…
  • Older children being adopted have baggage that not all families are prepared to deal with. It is different when the child has been in your care since birth. Like I said before I applaud anyone who has adopted. I think it's an amazing gift. In a perfect world there wouldn't be a failure rate on adoptions, but we don't live…
  • OMG I'm sitting at my desk with alot of tears rolling down my face.