

  • Amazing! Truly amazing! you look wonderful! Tell me...what kind of core exercises did you do for the mommy belly problem?! :happy: I finally dropped to 9 lbs away from my goal weight and i have flabby skin! Yikes!!!!! :sick: Could really use some advise from the 'pro'! :bigsmile:
  • I have one and use it intermittantly...I also jog, ride a stationary bike and use a power workout dvd. I noticed a difference when I used the RedXL for 6 weeks and it slowly works over time but only if you're just toning up the area. It does nothing for a good calorie burn or even cardiovascular work. Luckily, we didn't…
  • :laugh: this is too funny. I'm new and don't post much but the village idea is hilarious! At least it would be a tight-knit group that could pull through any "storm"...right?!?! Clever, very clever...
  • Thanks everyone! That's muchas helpful! :wink: Really appreciate it!
  • Amen, lol...you make me laugh!
  • Quick help! I drink 64 oz. of water at work...but i still crave water! most of my calories come from food but even with just tea and juice it spikes the calories (even though i buy them light)....if i want water, is it okay to go over the 64 oz. a day? stats: weight: 147 height: 5'2" work out: 5 days a week, cardio and…
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