

  • Whew! Did Core yesterday, Cardio this morning. Yikes! not exercising in 5 days really makes it hard when you do start exercising again. i can definitely tell i'm outta shape. (and i'm sure all the easter candy didn't help any either!) But i still feel so much better. it's amazing how yucky and 'down' you feel when you're…
  • Well, i haven't been doing anything this last week. it's been a really rough week, emotionally, and i just did not feel like doing anything. But this week is a new week and i'm going to push myself as hard as I did when I first started this program! Good news is I went shopping yesterday and just happened to find some…
  • Melissa- I'm in Phase 2, first week of Lean. I'm technically supposed to be on week 3, but the last two weeks i haven't totally completed the weeks (i've only done about 4 out of the 7 work outs). So i'm kind of starting Phase 2 over. But that's ok. I WILL make it thru this whole week! Keep up the good work!
  • Thanks for the encouragement! I got up this morning and rocked it out w/ Cardio. And i'm so glad I did. I've got a little more energy this week. Don't know if it's b/c I'm eating better or that i'm used to getting up. I'll definitely think of you being up @ 4:30 w/ me tomorrow!! Laura
  • Get a heart rate monitor. That's the best way to track all the cals you burn. I have a cheap wrist one (looks just like a watch, that I believe I got at Walmart) and it does ok, but I really want to get a Polar. I hear they are the best. But being the best, they cost around $100. And i'm just not ready to spend that kinda…
  • Robin-You're pup is soo cute. We have a yellow lab also, Wyatt. I don't know about yours, but ours is spoiled rotten!:wink:
  • Laurabelle25 - Laura Belle was a nickname given to me when I was jsut 5 weeks old. My parents decided to go on a short vacation, so they dropped me off at my aunts house for the weekend. Apparently, for 4 days I didn't make a 'peep'. I didn't cry when i needed fed, changed, etc. So she nicknamed me Laura Belle. It's stuck…
  • First of all, i'm right there w/ you. My b-day is about 2 weeks away and i know i'm going to have tons of snacks here at work. BUT, i have the best recipe for a cake substitute, it's actually cupcakes! It's from the hungry-girl website. You could tell your daughter to bake you this: I box of reduced sugar/reduced fat…
  • Hey everyone, Just thought you'd all like to see some responses to my 'too much protein' post. it's pretty interesting and informative. I did Core today. I feel great. Today I have tons of energy i can barely sit still at my desk. i think it's a…
  • Thanks ya'll. You're info really helped!
  • OK peeps, gotta question: I was searching around and found this link about facts on basically getting healthier: It's a long read, but it had a lot of really good info. What struck me the most is that it said it recommends that you consume less than 1g of…
  • Well Hey everyone! I'm still working on trying to limit my alcohol intake. So far switching from beer to wine is helping a little, and instead of drinking a ton on Fri., Sat., & Sun. I only drank Fri. and Sat., and had only 1 beer on Sun. So that's an improvement. I also don't record my food on the weekends. I make an…
  • You know, I didn't even think about the dehydration. Thanks!
  • Franky-I wasn't in shape AT ALL. I mean i'm a farely active person, and am not really overweight, but I hadn't exercised in months before I started P90X. I just jumped right in. And I love it. it can be geared for someone extremely fit, or someone that's not so fit. But the LT is right, it not really about losing weight…
  • Jenny-Thank you so much for the tip about the orthotics! My right knee kills after I do any lunges and i'm gong right out to buy some!:flowerforyou:
  • Hey everyone! Well, my attempt at not drinking last weekend went OK. i drank all weekend, but i feel like i made some progress, i just had 2 glasses of wine on Fri., then we had a BBQ on Sat and pigged out on alcohol and food (oh well), then on Sun i had just 2 glasses of wine again. So i'm chalking it up to 2 glasses is…
  • So i haven't done very good with my workouts AT ALL this week. it's weird, this whole week i've had the most strange and crazy dreams, so i haven't been sleeping well. (and that makes it really hard to get up @ 4:30am to exercise!) But i've decided to take this opportunity to really work on my eating, and actually, the…
  • Thanks for the motivation! Actually, we (my husband and I) went out to some wooded land, that had some nice hills, to look for 'Shed Antlers'. Deer lose their antlers every year, and they typically just fall on the ground in the middle of the woods. Well, my husband is an avid hunter and he collects these antlers to…
  • Well hello everyone! Long time no chat! Well, i've finally made up my mind to definitely eliminate alcohol from my diet, at least for a little while. Last weekend i did so good Fri. night and only had 1 glass of wine, then got up on sat. and walked, no kidding, like 20 miles over hilly terrain. I had a decent, yet lite…
  • Welcome to our little thread!!! Definitely look back at some older posts, because I had, well still am having, trouble getting enough protein. it's tough, but a protein shake, high protein greek yogurt, turkey, chicken, etc all helped me. Good luck!
  • Thanks everyone! I think that was some of the encouragement i needed. Especially right now. If i don't respond for awhile it's because they took me away in the straight jacket. (just kidding) Work is making me INSANE! I really, really, really, just want to veg out in front of the TV, drink a few beers, and not do ANYTHING…
  • hey everyone! sorry i've been away! Work has been insane! But i'm back. i've still continued with all my workouts. Today is Phase 2, Week 1. I had a bad time with my diet this last week and I gained back 2lbs that I had lost. But i think part of that is because i had some high sodium foods. BUT, i'm going to get back on…
  • I too am in Week 4 on Day 4 of the Recovery Week. I was supposed to do the stretch DVD, but switched it up to CardioX. I was a little worn out tho, i think i need to pick it up!! But I lost another lb! I think dropping my calories down to 1600 (from 1800) is helping. Hope everyone else is doing good! OH, on a side note, i…
  • When i started, the program said i was right on the border of 2400/1800 so i went with the 1800. I feel like i'm eating a ton! But i've kept it up this first 25 days or so. i've only lost 4 lbs so i'm thinking that this next phase, I might lower the calories a little and see if that makes a change. But I think as long as…
  • Hey everyone! I'm in my recovery week of the 1st phase. But i've been slacking and didn't do anything yesterday (was supposed to do YogaX). But tonight is Core, so i'm pumped. i love that work out, and kenpoX, that's great too. I need to get on the ball. My eating and exercising has been ridiculous lately. oh well. I'm…
  • Whew. Did ARX and Legs and Back this morning. i'm kinda bummed that i don't feel like i'm making much progress this week, at least getting stronger anyway. Everything else i'm making progress on. losing weight and my stomach is freakin amazing!!! i am so pumped to show my family this weekend. And oh, if i keep this up till…
  • Well, just finished Week 3 Day 2 (CardioX). I still can't believe that i've exercised nearly every day for the last 2.5 weeks! Well I had a shock last weekend. woke up on Sat. and my weight had dropped 3lbs! Yes good news, but wait. then I went out for dinner Sat. night. (and drank plenty of brewski's) woke up Sun. and…
  • Well, I did it. I didn't want to, but i pushed thru. Yesterday I did my regular ABX and legs and back.....then, I did Cardio X last night for a little bonus!!!! I'm so proud of myself for sticking it out! Some of you know that i splurged and had pizza and was feeling pretty bad about it (thanks WeirdFish, i think you were…
  • Well just finished Week 2 Day 4 (Legs and Back). I worked out hard today, but didn't feel 100%, kinda felt weak and tired. so don't know what that was about. I did try doing 'negative pull-ups' (THANKS MARKSBALL!) and they really worked my arms and back sooo much better. I slipped and ordered pizza last night. 2 slices of…
  • Look, when i wrote this, basically i was trying to say that some people just need to relax. If you want to drink...drink. If you aren't losing weight, try not drinking. Its what ever YOU decide. I know all the risks, I know plenty of alcoholics (including my own family members) and I've experienced and seen first hand how…