Question about weight fluxuation.

So i've been trying to lose weight/get healthier for some time now, and have lost about 12lbs in in the last couple years or so. And my weight does fluxuate by about 2-3lbs every day. The last couple weeks, however, there have been two times that it seems like i've lost 1-2lbs 'over night'.

Here's the situation: 2 weekends ago I ate horrible and drank about 6 beers on Sat. Then, Sunday was a little better, but i still went to Wendy's for dinner, then had 2 glasses of wine Sun. night. (Didn't exercise all weekend. I know, it's horrible.) I woke up Monday morning, completely expecting that i'd be on the heavier side of my weight fluxuation and weigh around 151 (normally I stay around 148, but after weekends like what was described above, I jump to 151). When to my suprise I dropped to 147!! At first I thought, well, ok, maybe I didn't do as bad as I thought. But then on Tuesday I weighed myself again, and had jumped to 149. So I thought OK, maybe the scale decided to be a little mean and get my hopes up.

Didn't think much about it, then yesterday was a really rough day. First of all it was 'bring the most fattening thing to work day' (which I couldn't help but partake in) and I ate ridiculously bad. Then, work itself was super stressful, so I went home and had two beers, and two glasses of wine. Now, I ate a good breakfast, lunch and dinner. Very healthy. And what do I see when I step on the scale this morning??? 147!

To give you some background, I'm 28 y/o, 5'8" and weigh 148. I normally exercise 6 days a week for 1 hour (I've been doing P90X for about 8 weeks). However I did not exercise at all last week or yesterday. I did exercise on Monday and plan on doing my regular routine the rest of this week. I normally eat extremely well Monday thru Fri. My calorie goal is about 1800, but I usually eat anywhere between 1600-1700. Then my diet goes a little down hill on the weekends. I eat farely well, but I drink around 6 beers Fri. night, Sat. night, and Sun. night. Now, before the lectures start, I know I need to not drink at all in order to make my weightloss goals. And i am currently in the process of doing that. I plan on cutting all alcohol in 2 weeks. (i've gotta kinda slowly move into the 'no alcohol' thing.)

So, I know this is really long, but what do you all think about the random 1lb weight loss after a day of bindging? I know that it's not really a pound lost for good, that tomorrow i'll be right where i usually am. But why on earth does the body do things like that? I'm just super confused.

Thanks for all your time reading this!


  • themethod
    themethod Posts: 257
    Could have been water weight lost through dehydration from the alcohol, which would explain why it came right back.
  • laurabelle25
    You know, I didn't even think about the dehydration.
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    I love me a glass or two of red wine most days! I've learned to control it by counting ounces, not glasses. As soon as I started doing that, I noticed I started drinking weigh less and now have eight ounces a day (2 four ounce glasses) during the week, and twelve on the weekends.

    The problem with beer - which I think is the absolute best reward for a hard day working in the sun on the house or garden - is not only the calories and the alcohol, but the yeast. It absolutely bloats you up and I've had to give it up completely. You're way better off with the wine and lots of water before during and after. If you drink white wine, keep adding ice cubes to the glass - it makes it last a long time.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I think alcohol is fine in moderation. I was still losing weight when I went out and had a few drinks. However, perhaps you should rethink your drink choice. Beer and wine are about the worst for weight loss. I drink Three Olives cherry vodka and diet ginger ale or club soda and it is delicious! And not many calories or carbs either. Just a thought!