

  • Coffee, but I was able to make the switch to Skim Milk in it, and i've switched to Splenda a while ago. The hardest thing for me to give up is peanut butter. It just screams to me at night. I try to save calories at the end of the night (with a cup of skim milk).
  • The app is definitely what started me on this. Unfortunately I had some issues the last two weeks where I was less than careful with my calories. Getting back to it this week.
  • Hamburgers, but it's all a matter of incorporating it into the calorie counter. If I know I'm having burgers for dinner, a smaller lunch will come in. Today for lunch, I brought a hamburger, but to save on calories, I'm going to drop the bun and use a lettuce wrap. We'll see how that works.
  • I would think there would be, because you may not be eating the gum, but you are getting the sugar from it.