

  • Jogging and running are harder on the knees. Studies show that if you run 2 miles full tilt you will burn the same calories as if you walk it - basically it requires x number of calories to move your body from a to b regardless of the method. The benefit of running vs walking is that it raises your heart rate which means…
  • A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in some warm water drunk 15 minutes before meals works well too.
  • Guarana is a berry that has very high levels of caffeine. Therefore, they have caffeine.
  • hehe i was too late and you pretty much did exactly what I did. With INSTANT results! Well done!
  • Without your husband-to-be supporting you anything you do will fail. So you talk to him and explain what's going to happen. Like "i was thinking that we could try .........is that ok with you?" As for the actual process. With my stepson (exact same situation) I said "Vegetables are necessary so I thought what if we put…
  • You know what? The things that stress and worry you probably are related to eating habits. But anyway... That's a heart-rending situation and (although I don't know you) I'm very glad for you that you and your husband were able to talk about it and find a solution. Best of luck with all that you do. :-)