all the people that are saying that they can eat anything they want just not in excess are missing the point IMO I think eating to excess is what the person meant who started the thread...
It was in the chit chat and jokes section...whoah...calling Dr. Proctor
What about the people who write your for you're and there for their?
you might like the yellow ones that grow in Panama. I agree wit the red and green ones being terrible
what the? that aint american...LOL
I hate pizza. It just sits in your stomach like a lump of dough. I also hate cheese which goes hand in hand with pizza.
Enter The Dragon Shawshank Redemption
Muffin Twin Ridge
Now that's some funny s**t right there...
I'm no expert but I think they mean weighing equal quantities of both. Theoretically muscle should weigh more or so I've always been led to believe.
That's some funny sh** right there now...
For me it just doesn't get any better than a double quarter pounder w/o cheese. Prior to MFP I've been known to eat 2 of 'em at a time (not simultaneously mind you but in one sitting). I wholeheartedly agree with moderation.