

  • It's hard but once you get going it becomes easier and easier. I woke up one morning thinking I was still 20 and realised I had gained 30 pounds it's taken me a little over 4 months but 6 months later I have maintained my weight loss and kept up with my diet ad excercise. The hardest thing which I gave up was the soda…
  • Your not getting enough protein try eating something like this on excercise days: Beakfast Hard Boiled Egg 1-slices of wheat toast and I can't believe it's not butter Mid Morning Snack String Cheese and an Apple Afternoon Snack 1 tablespoon of peanutbutter 4 crackers or 16 wheat thins and a banana Raw Almonds Dinner Salad…
  • I hit that great wall and asked my diet doctor how to get over the wall. She suggested I change my diet I eat more in the morning less in the afternoon and eat less in the evening. Weight training is great but if you want to lose weight I would suggest cardio cardio cardio. After you are about mid point to your goal you…
  • I work out alot as well 1200 calories isn't enough for anyone lol! I work out quite a bit as well my goal at first was 250 calories a day that wasn't enough then it was 300 then 400 now I'm up to 936 my ultimate goal would be a 1000 calories a day. I don't excercise one day and that is usually Sunday. I find that if I do…
  • I usually get a turkey with roast beef on honey oat wheat bread toasted with pepper jack cheese no mayo add mustard all the veggies salt n pepper oil n vinegar about 450 calories including the cheese.
  • Office Administrator for the only company of its kind launching rockets from sea to space.
  • Vitamin B1 shots do wonders not only do they boost your immune system they give you added energy and don't give you that hungry feeling. I do B1 shots everyweek and take a multi vitamin every other day I hate multi vitamin because I feel weighed down tired sleepy and hungry too but I found the combo with the B1 shots and…
  • Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate. 20min after your work out try eating a bannana the nutrients in the bannana will help relieve some of the pain and as always drink plenty of water before during and after.
  • Had the same problem and major soda junkie here its been three months and 12 days since I had my last soda. The acne will go away increase your water intake I hate water but now its just a drink I drink about 6-8 glasses a day about 4 to 5 water bottles 16.9 fl oz per day. Now my skin is clear the clearest I thinks its…
    in Acne Comment by marriola123 April 2010
  • Bride losing weight wedding date June 26 total weight loss 24 pounds (I started on Jan 13, 2010). The biggest thing for me was of course the excercising I hate to excercise but I force myself to go into the gym everyday except Sunday's. I gave up Soda and Red Meat the red meat npt that difficult there are so many different…
  • Aww yes the torture we endure from our mothers. Yes like you I have a mother who does the same exact thing and it's horrible. I come home thinner and they say are you sick are you eating there's something wrong with you you look horrible. I come home chubby and they say how do you expect to keep your man looking like that?…
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