I'm having trouble, needing help

worldtravelgirl98 Posts: 18
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
Hi all,
I am having trouble eating too many calories on days I exercise because I am very hungry. On days I don't exercise, I usually am just right or under. Does anyone else have or had this problem? What has worked for you?


  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    You should be eating more on the days that you exercise. Are you eating more than your base calories + your exercise calories?

  • Yes, I am eating my regular calories plus my exercis calories, and much of the time I am still hungry.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    What kind of things are you eating after you exercise? I know on Friday I burned 1700 for the day at the gym and I got full trying to eat those and didnt get anywhere near the 1200 for the day. Maybe you can find a more filling snack or something to eat to make you less hungry
  • Your not getting enough protein try eating something like this on excercise days:
    Hard Boiled Egg 1-slices of wheat toast and I can't believe it's not butter
    Mid Morning Snack
    String Cheese and an Apple
    Afternoon Snack
    1 tablespoon of peanutbutter 4 crackers or 16 wheat thins and a banana
    Raw Almonds
    Salad anytype of vinegerrette dressing and a baked chicken breast
    Evening Snack
    I usually go with something sweet even a Mc Donalds plain ice cream cone or a frozen yogurt I try to keep it under 150 calories.
    Eating more items with protein tricks your body into thinking its full for longer periods of time. Be sure to drink your 8 glasses of water that will also help keep you full. I love food so I excercise everyday and try to burn at least 700 to 800 calories so I get to eat more. It sucks but I'm down 30 pounds and am enjoying the single digit clothing!
  • sassyt76
    sassyt76 Posts: 12 Member
    I too sometimes go over. But I have to exercise in order to not go over. But some days I'm not very hungry either and some days I feel like Lord I can't get enough. Just continue to work on it though. Do you drink a lot of water? If not start drinking more water and do it before you eat and after every bite and that will help you fill up quicker. Also whenever you are feeling hungry drink a couple cups of water and if you are still hungry after 15 mins then eat. Good Luck! :happy:
  • I am usually drinking 10-12 cups of water a day (I am drinking so much because I am breastfeeding.) Also, Marriola, part of the problem may be not enough protein. Thanks!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I am usually drinking 10-12 cups of water a day (I am drinking so much because I am breastfeeding.) Also, Marriola, part of the problem may be not enough protein. Thanks!

    On exercise days I always have extra protein! 3 oz of chicken can double my day. Congrats thus far!
  • lanabobanna
    lanabobanna Posts: 1 Member
    If you're breastfeeding, that is why. You're also burning more calories by making and releasing the milk to the baby. You need to add calories, at the very least 300, but probably more depending on how much you're nursing, to your overall intake for the day.
  • I am adding in my calories as much as I can guestimate from breastfeeding. I think the comment about protein was right-on. I have been trying this and it seems to be helping.
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