I would trade my crappy 50 degree 100% humidity no sun weather for yours any day. I cant get motivated either!!
I think that dieting or eating healthy is 100% mental and different for everyone. I know tons of people that would eat twice as much low cal ice cream as they would justify it as healthier. In the end you must eat the nutrients your body needs and stay within your cal range and if you can do this and still eat the bad…
Re: blue potatoes - I spend most of the year in Peru and they have over 3000 varieties of potatoes. You would be surprised to know how many weird ones there are! They even have purple corn that is used to make a juice called chicha morada. Anyways I digress. I had a cherimoya today. If you can get one in a whole foods or…
If you mention to the person/people how they might feel if you constantly focused on their poor eating habits they probably would get the point. I typically tell people that I closely monitor what I eat and typically eat more at home, prior, etc so I don't have to worry about eating much at a restaurant. That usually helps…
Here is some food for thought: I got back from a 2 week trip and for the most part I ate healthy just a ton more sodium than I normally do. Probably 2000-3000mg more from eating out a lot. Before leaving I was about 178, the day I got back home I weighed in at 187 which was on Last Thursday. Right now I'm about 178/177…
I actually find this quite easy. Eat your lunch prior to going out (at your desk while you work) and then just enjoy the conversation instead of eating at the restaurant.
You can't test a scale with a couple pound weights. The reason is that a 1-2 percent difference won't show up on your scale with one lb but with 200 lbs it means 2-4 lbs difference. Test your scale with a 50 lb weight with you holding before/after to get a better result. I don't weigh myself everday but I have Out of…
Yeah, it is almost impossible to find many of the dishes that I could typically eat on any given day though you are right, one can guess and search for ingredients which I do as well though I've noticed huge differences in some of the fruit/vege sizes. Peru is truly blessed with the amount of flora that it has. I was just…
When I started eating healthy again I lost 10 lbs each month for the first two months only with dietary change and walking. You don't need a gym or anything fancy.
I remember there was a woman in a office I used to work in who rightly recognized she needed to change her diet and eat healthy as she was probably 100+lbs overweight. I used to walk by her desk and she would be drinking a large coke, eating a salad with bacon bits (who knows what else) and croutons and use almost an…
Arguing about how to lose weight is like arguing about religion. Everyone can be right and wrong all at the same time.
I used to run 20-40 miles a week and then hurt myself and lost all of my fitness. I know how you feel. Being at square one just means you can only go up!
I'm not sure if they have them there, but here they sell these little avocados called "paltas dedo" or "avocado fingers". They are great, about the length of a finger and the width of maybe a thumb or two without a seed. It is about 40g of fruit after you peal it as opposed to an entire avocado. Maybe try a whole foods or…
The last time I dropped a lot of weight and went through the same thing. I was eating healthy and doing triathlons. Anyone that knew me, especially my family, said the same things to me about being too skinny and it just got really old.. If I met someone new (especially a girl), they would say the complete opposite (nice…
There are some beautiful photos on that site! :) Since I've moved overseas, you can't find any of those wonderful items so I'm safe!
A much different question than the norm around here, but I can actually think of one thing: Being warm in the winter with all the extra padding!
If you are strength training you might be adding muscle weight which is great. I typically take 2-3 days to shed a bunch of water weight from eating lots of sodium, it really shouldn't take you weeks to do it, so it might be you aren't eating enough or you are putting on muscle weight. Just my guesses. If by give up you…
I would leave your goals as they are and when you get to the first date, don't get discouraged and realize how much progress you've made and then change them based on current info (weight, plans, etc). If you are losing weight, gaining strength, and getting fit, you are really improving on other areas and you don't have to…
To answer your question about walking, yes it sounds like quite a lot of great exercise. Since hurting myself all I have done is walked for the past few months and I'm dropping weight like 2-3 lbs a week (~20 miles per week). If you are on vacation, you probably don't need to ask since anything you do you should just…
Rigorous exercise may prolong your cold or sickness. You may just want to just walk which is low impact and does burn calories. I've lost all my weight by only walking and making nutrition changes.
If I might suggest a few things: - go try in some of the clothes you wore when you were 100 lbs heavier - look at old photos and take some new ones. You can try with your head out of the photo too - at the gym pick up 100 lbs of weights and try to walk around the gym. Realize this was all around your body and occupied much…
I think that if you are already pretty skinny losing 10 lbs in 5 weeks will be pretty hard but it is not impossible. Don't lose site of the fact that If you only hit 5 lbs that is still really good and gets you half way.
Dizzieferg - I totally agree with regards to personal responsibility. In fact that's why so many great people have had success here from taking responsibility for themselves. Anyways, if my girlfriend was educated in nutrition like she is now and didn't just go with the flow, it would have been different. She just did what…
Everyone, I wasn't putting down California or anyone in particular, however you should take note that the USA has the highest obesity rate in the world. There are several reasons for it, but what we eat is a huge component of this (as well as exercise). I'm not trying to argue, but who hasn't gone to a restaurant and…
There was no core nutrition knowledge. She just was eating like everyone else. :) It is just a fascinating subject to live in other parts of the world and to see the differences especially when it comes to food consumption, weight, exercise, etc.
Sure. Home is Peru and she didn't have a car in either the USA or in Peru though she did walk more back home, it was mostly the crap that she ate.
I drink this stuff: It is basically skim milk mixed with some oatmeal.. Pretty good as I hate the taste of plain milk!
Even if you weigh yourself weekly you may not see a change especially if you eat out 1-2 days before your weigh in one week and not the week prior. The sodium can absorb a couple pounds of water. I'd suggest you go crazy good for a month and when you see the result, you will be quite happy. Also it is great advice that…
Great job!
Although I'm not sure if it is actually Chinese food, many places will have spring rolls. I'm referring to the Vietnamese style ones that are not fried and contain usually chicken, lettuce, and shrimp wrapped in a steamed wonton (or something like that).. That's all I usually order b/c I could eat about every plate on the…