kslibbin Member


  • Hi you guys! This place is awesome! I've lost 10.5lbs already because I wanted a better me. I did it for myself. I allow cheat days but the key is to log everything. Don't be ashamed or embarrassed by how much you ate or what you ate. I was at Mardi Gras last wknd and I had alcohol and funnel cake on a stick! On a stick!!…
  • I cant say I am the best with workouts but I try to always keep moving than always sitting down or laying down. It's better than doing nothing at all.
  • Allow your one cheat day but after that work your tail off to get the body you want and make sure he sees no matter who he goes to next that he downgraded from you since you look so good! Let looking good be your pay back!
  • I just seriously love my fitbit one.
  • This app is beyond awesome! You must be honest and consistent to logging your foods and exercises. add me and i would love to help motivate you! I've lost about 10lbs from this awesome app and having a great group of motivators! It really makes you more mindful of the foods you choose and if you choose a naughty then you…
  • What kind of heart arrthymia do you have? I have SVT. I do workouts and walking that are comfortable but I stick to my calorie diet. Losing weight is never easy but I have noticed even though I was not heavy heavy that my SVT and my sleeping problems eased when I lost a few pounds. You can add me!
  • I like to see new ideas on what foods to eat. I like to see what my besties are eating too so I can help motivate them and they can motivate me if I take a turn in the wrong direction.
  • feel free to add me. The key is to be honest with yourself when logging in the food. Just because you had a cheat day dont be embarrassed because you went over or you dont want to see the numbers be over. You have to let the numbers also be your motivators and as your learning tools to what you are eating as well. Your…
  • i just lost a ring my husband got me when he was deployed. its extremely unique and cannot just buy another like it. I wore it on my thumb and never ever took it off not even in the shower and lately it has been slipping off. But my daughter found it last time. This time I havent found it yet, though I just lost it last…
  • I've had 2 c-sections. My 1st was done 3 1/2 weeks early and my son was very large (while I'm small) for a 36 1/2 week.8lbs 21 1/2inch long.. I'm 5'4.. I gained 65lbs. My scar isn't noticeable b/c of my stretch marks. Here's the thing. Despite my weight gain and a c-section I lost 75lbs! Now granted I have a flappy stretch…
  • My bestie is a rep for It Works and it actually does. It takes the toxins out from the area and helps firm up. You can lose up to 3inches. You have to wrap and drink lots of water to flush it out. Ive seen the results. I've done it and my husband and my bestie and her clients. Its not a weight loss but too firm up the…
  • If he cannot love the you that you are now then the relationship isn't as intense as you believe it is. It's what you WANT to believe it is. If he is constantly telling you to go down to your college weight where he did not know you or where you were not exclusive then thats not the you that you are now and I personally…
  • I am 5'4 and in a size 4. I have a muffin top though I am trying to lose. I cannot go up in jeans size because then the jeans do not fit my butt because I do not have one.. it's flat as a board and I have no hips and thin legs. Its just muffin tops from pregnancies.
  • I quite agree. As mothers we don't always have the ways to be "active". Our active is taking care of the children, errands and chores. We get "active" when we can. When we have husbands that are working or in my case a husband deployed (and I work!) sometimes you just cannot make the time to make it work so you have to…
    in Salmon Comment by kslibbin January 2013
  • I respect your opinion but I respect my way of choosing to go with my way of feeding my children. They are not overweight and far from it so I will not change their diet. My husband however has had this issue awhile.
  • Good points. He eats the same as I do. I watch the calories and I do not look too much at the fats and sugars. We do not eat a lot with sugars with it but the others.. not so sure to be honest. I think his diet will definently need to be changed from mine. He is on a higher calorie diet than me though. I'll have to get…
  • I gained 15lbs with being on this. Dr said I need to watch what I eat but I do not eat junk! Thats the thing. My weight was maintained on its own then I took that and I ballooned and its taking forever to lose even with not taking it and dieting. I've added exercise but I still seem to be at a standstill.
  • I've been on 2 cruises and it's about not only being mindful of the food but the alcohol. People see the coconut drinks or drinks with umbrellas and slam those back all day. The cruise has very good healthy food if you choose wisely but also your portions. Going on my 3rd in March and the food on the cruise is the last of…
  • Feel free to add me! I've been on here a month and love it!!
  • I constantly make excuses to be in bed when I am home. I work so when I get home I cook for my husband and 3 kids so I am worn out or after work I need to take kids to sports stuff. My husband is in the military so he is quite busy so I making time for just the 2 of us is hard much less alone time for me. So, I have got to…
  • I just got the fitbit for myself after my bestie told me about it. I love it!
  • I need to lose a few and I zero fitness motivation and I need more people to help me get that! I have 2 besties that are doing their best! I bought the fitbit and that is helping me with counting my steps but I need to work on my cardio! :tongue: