

  • Nope, "what other people think of you is none of your business."
  • WOW! You look so much younger!
  • baby carrots with 2 T hummus. Cheecha puffs. berries. I agree with the other person who said to log the food first then eat it.
  • MFP just got even cooler.
  • If I saw you outside jogging I would think you were awesome!
  • Have you tried whole wheat pastry flour? It has a much different result than whole wheat flour.
  • If you are baking you can get whole wheat pastry flour that works really well.
  • I am 5'5.5 and am currently 140.6 lbs. Started at 161.8. First goal is to hit my wedding weight of 139 then I'd like to see where I look best. Around 131-135? I'd love to be at 131 by my 31's birthday six months away but we'll see as I get closer.
  • Oh what a lovely idea! When I was in Chemo last year for breast cancer I was so happy when someone brought food over. Even if I didn't like it at least my husband and Mom could eat and I didn't have to worry about them. At that point because I was so sick I really really liked plain dishes and might only eat a few bites at…
  • Yes you can see the difference. You might need to do something to push through your current plateau.
  • When someone reports something they are struggling with and you tell them their problem is "NOTHING" that's pretty rude. You don't know about her life, how long this has been a problem for her and what she has done to try to control it. Since you say she obviously doesn't have an eating disorder I assume you must be a…
  • I had a day like that last week. I generally try to eat a plant based diet. But it seemed that day that I could not fill up. Some culprits for me are staying up late and not getting enough exercise. Sometimes if I'm hungry I go for a walk and have a glass of water. Sometimes I just eat something. As long as it isn't too…
  • Have you consulted a doctor? That should be your first step considering the amount of weight you are trying to lose. They can make sure you do it safely.
  • I think you should get the excellent fart app from iTunes. Then when you walk by his cubicle set it off. See if he still thinks your so sexy!
  • I think taking these NEVER would be a good start!
  • Or Chocolate Raspberry is really good: 1 C Raspberries 1/2 Banana 1 C Spinach 1-2 T Cacao or Cocoa Powder 1 Medjool Date I call it red velvet smoothie. I also LOVE this one! 1 frozen banana 1 T Natural Peanut butter 1/2 C soy milk (plus some water to get the machine going) 1 C Spinach Optional 1 T Cacao Powder It's like…
  • Try adding spinach! Green smoothies are da bomb! Strawberries and raspberries are naturally tart. Usually I add half a frozen banana, 1 cup strawberries, a mandarin orange and soy milk with 1 c spinach. If you have a good blender and room in the calorie department a medjool date is great for sweetness and has lots of finer…
  • Then eat a fruit and nut bar silly! Last week I wanted nachos so bad so I built it into my day. Had a smoothie for breakfast, a salad for lunch and then nachos and beer for dinner! I still lost weight last week.
  • Try the happy herbivore meal plans. They are vegan (I'm not a vegan but the meals are really really good lol so I eat them anyhow). The meal plans are 1200 calories a day, high in protein, healthy carbs and low in sugar and salt. The lovely thing about vegan food is that it is naturally low calorie so you get to eat a…
  • For a lower fat version try lining a pan with a bit of low sodium vegetable broth, heat then add washed and chopped Kale. Sprinkle with salt and allow Kale to wilt. Stir in some vinegar or lemon juice. This is tasty and nutritious. If I need more calories in a day (sometimes I do!) I'll add some parmesan cheese and pine…
  • Aw that is a totally crappy day! I agree with other posters here about taking snacks. I can't even go to the park without packing carrot sticks, granola bars, a muffin, an apple haha My husband teases me about it but he's happy when he gets hungry and I have food. That sick shaky feeling from not eating is awful! And…
  • Try This: Click on the FOOD tab, then RECIPES then Add New Recipe. That should take you there. I love the recipe calculator! Although figuring out how many servings a casserole is can be a bit tricky. I used water and measured how many cups my casserole dish holds. Figured I'd eat between 1-2 cups at a time.
  • If you like cous cous consider giving quinoa a try. They look and taste very similar when cooked but one is an ancient grain filled with all kinds of protein and excellent stuff and cous cous is a pasta which is still tasty but unless it is whole wheat isn't particularly healthful.
  • This vegan lentil loaf is great. Even my meat eater friends and family like it. I don't know how it is without eggs as I'm not vegan but I think flax eggs or chia eggs would be fine or psyllium husks as the recipe says.
  • What kind of yoga are you thinking of doing? Ashtanga and Hot yoga can be good for weight loss as they are fast moving and you usually break a sweat. Hatha is more relaxing and calming. I would suggest at first that you try a studio as they can spot if you are doing something wrong and correct it. If you don't live near…
    in Yoga? Comment by cnhanson January 2012