BelleEns Member


  • Bread does it do me. I can look skinny at times during the day (not just first thing) and look 5months pregnant the next!
  • Woooohoooo! Well done! You look great (especially the smile on your face!) :happy:
  • The answers on this thread are a great help and comfort to me. I've only just realized what a problem my compulsive overeating had become, and how my whole life is designed around food. Leanne says it well- I just want to stop thinking about food all the time, I just want to wake up one day and not care what I'll have to…
  • HI! I am new too and have the same addiction as you. Only recently faced up to it, and am doing well, though I do have slip ups.
  • If I eat large amounts of carbs, I will crave things a few hours later. I only have carbs with my evening meal now, and only a small amount. Good luck! :)