Foshie Member


  • I've had the same problem myself when it comes to gym equipment. I think because there are so many differences that are available by changing the resistance or having slight fluctuations in the speed that you exercise, its probably best to just stick to whatever reading you get and be happy with it . As long as you are…
  • Hi there and welcome ! I don't know what this site does, but it certainly seems to work ! I guarantee that you won't be disappointed with the results you achieve. This is coming up to my 4th week here and I'm approaching a 12 pound loss, I've probably not been this weight in a good ten years !
    in Hello All Comment by Foshie July 2011
  • Its olives for me - everytime ! vile things that ruin a perfectly respectable pizza ! and Oilve oil too - I just can't see the attraction in drizzling a salad with oil at all
  • I found an article on another site and apparently all the juicing does is removes any fibre that might be present in the fruit or vegetables - it would have a negligible effect on the overall calorie count - drat, thats my masterplan foiled !! ...if it hadn't been for those pesky kids ....:smile: