Calorie content of juiced fruit and veg

Foshie Posts: 5 Member
edited September 29 in Food and Nutrition
Hi there

I bought a juicer at the weekend (Jack Lalane style machine) and I was wondering if juicing fruit and vegetables has any effect on the calorific content of the foods ?

For example I used two carrots in my juice this morning, and they have a raw calorie count of 60, but does that figure decrease once you have juiced them, and you're not taking in the bulk and fibre of the fruit ?

any advice gratefully received :)



  • MizzDoc
    MizzDoc Posts: 493 Member

    I'd like to know this as well.
  • TiraG
    TiraG Posts: 68
    I have the Jack Lalane juicer and would also like to know.
  • SandyEdge
    SandyEdge Posts: 72 Member
  • Foshie
    Foshie Posts: 5 Member
    I found an article on another site and apparently all the juicing does is removes any fibre that might be present in the fruit or vegetables - it would have a negligible effect on the overall calorie count - drat, thats my masterplan foiled !! ...if it hadn't been for those pesky kids ....:smile:
  • SandyEdge
    SandyEdge Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks for the follow up.
    I guess alot of the calories is in the sugar component of the veges and fruit.
  • TiraG
    TiraG Posts: 68
    Thanks! :(
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    I pour out the juice after each fruit/veggie in a measuring cup and I enter in the amount of juice I get into my food diary. I use the MFP raw item in the database and just enter my cup measurements.
  • Yes. Juicing removes calories from fiber. Note the amount of fiber in grams each item has and multiply by 4. Each gram of fiber is 4 calories. Subtract the fiber calories from the whole food calorie count to get the juiced calorie count.
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