I confess.....

fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
edited September 29 in Food and Nutrition
I don't like peanut butter. I don't get what people like about it at all.

What food do you not "get"?


  • lmcgreavey
    lmcgreavey Posts: 4 Member
    Marmite or vegemite - YUCK! :smile:
  • ifeelsqueaky
    ifeelsqueaky Posts: 193
    Cottage cheese. I think it's vile but loads of people seem to love it!
  • Liver.....

    Pasty.....grey....kind of turns grainy and/or creamy in the mouth.....and this is just how my mother cooked it.............I won't go into the time she used liver in a homemade curry. It wasn't even a real curry. It was chicken livers in a weird curry sauce.............

    Notice the excessive use of ... It's almost like a loss of words on how to describe just how terrible and what an atrocity it was.

    :blushing: :laugh:
  • rfcollins33
    rfcollins33 Posts: 630
  • em0307
    em0307 Posts: 33 Member
    cucumber....it's a toxic substance that's being passed off as food!
  • dollipop
    dollipop Posts: 379 Member
    Cottage cheese. I think it's vile but loads of people seem to love it!
    Same. It's the texture.... bleck!
  • PA21
    PA21 Posts: 95 Member
    Same as some other posters here:
    Cottage cheese (yuck!)
    Bovril or marmite (super YUCK!)
    Eggs- sometimes I think they are the WORST and sometimes I love them!

    I can't eat leftovers past 1 day. I'm a priss I know!
  • sweebeesmom
    sweebeesmom Posts: 148
    cilantro. :P
  • I can't eat leftovers past 1 day. I'm a priss I know!

    It just doesn't taste the same. :)
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    Spinach, can't stand the stuff.
    Cottage cheese...ewwww.
  • lmcgreavey
    lmcgreavey Posts: 4 Member
    Same as some other posters here:
    Cottage cheese (yuck!)
    Bovril or marmite (super YUCK!)
    Eggs- sometimes I think they are the WORST and sometimes I love them!

    I can't eat leftovers past 1 day. I'm a priss I know!

    My brother is weird about eggs, he says they feel to squishy in his mouth - he is also 12 so he could just be being 'that age!' I'm also a bit weird with leftovers.
  • Ewww... yes I agree cottage cheese is disgusting!

    I also find anything in the "bean" family to be VILE!!! I can't even smell them...
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    Broad beans
    Baked Beans

    If by chance I do have them, I have to swallow them whole.....hate the texture & taste of their innards.....

    I know they're good for you, but.................

    Sue :smile: x
  • Foshie
    Foshie Posts: 5 Member
    Its olives for me - everytime ! vile things that ruin a perfectly respectable pizza ! and Oilve oil too - I just can't see the attraction in drizzling a salad with oil at all
  • Danidelion
    Danidelion Posts: 70
    All the above except for peanut butter lol, I love peanut butter xD.

    But for me i'd have to say tuna fish, I can't even force myself to eat something that smells so terrible. The last time I tried a bite of a tuna sandwich I literally puked >_<.
  • All the above except for peanut butter lol, I love peanut butter xD.

    But for me i'd have to say tuna fish, I can't even force myself to eat something that smells so terrible. The last time I tried a bite of a tuna sandwich I literally puked >_<.

    LOL I think I know what you mean....it's almost like a cat food like quality.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Broccoli and Brussel Sprouts. The smell of them just gags me. I don't even like to sit near someone eating them--the smell is that vile to me!

    I can deal with raw broccoli though.
  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
    I dont like spinach and kale... i dont understand Kale.... why is it even there.... gross...... and lets not forget the califlower, i'll never eat it, haha!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Oh yes, Mayonnaise is flat out evil. It should be banned.
  • abyford
    abyford Posts: 1
    Celery - I don't get it, what's the point - no taste, just crunch.

    PS Marmite - as they say, you love/hate it - I'm definitely in the LOVE IT camp!
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