I confess.....



  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    Almond milk. Effing gross.

    They call it "Milk" but it just looks like squished up almonds with extra oil added. SICK.
  • TheNewLK
    TheNewLK Posts: 933 Member
    Liver....I effn Hate Liver......**gags**
  • rosemiller11
    rosemiller11 Posts: 224 Member
    cooked cabbage, broccli, or cauliflower. Can eat all of themraw... just not cooked! And I lov pb, and cottage cheese. pb on celery is not so bad either. :)
  • OElleBelleO
    OElleBelleO Posts: 54 Member
    Pickles, mushrooms and vinegar. Blek!
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member

    And anything made with onions.

    Oh thats blasphemy. You're gonna burn for not liking Sushi ;)
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    cilantro. :P

    there's a genetic reason behind it! http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/14/dining/14curious.html

    I hate cilantro to, but I love chipotle...lots of salsa to cover the grossness of the rice...
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member

    No, I don't understand it either. It smells heavenly - I would love to love coffee. I walk down the coffee aisle in the grocery store, or into Starbucks, and I could stay there all day. I used to work in the cafe at Barnes & Noble and LOVED it - LOVED making cappucinos, lattes, caramel macchiatos (not spelling it right but it was lots of fun to make!), etc. I love coffee flavored things - ice cream, and the cappucino that gas stations pass off as coffee (push the button, it dispenses into the cup, etc.) The stuff you actually brew, from ground beans? Forget it!! I just don't understand how those yummy-smelling beans can be turned into such a foul smelling brew. SOMETHING obviously goes wrong in the process!
  • etarre
    etarre Posts: 147 Member
    I hate bannanas!

    Oddly, I used to hate PB and cottage cheese, too. But lately I've been eating them again. For me, nonfat cottage cheese is gross, but the 2% fat in the lowfat makes all the difference in making it edible. For peanut butter, I had to start getting the organic freshly ground kind instead of regular old jif or skippy, and then I found out I liked it.
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    for all you cilantro haters out there (I'm not one of them...:laugh: :laugh: )

  • nurse_carolyn
    There's not many foods that I don't like and I love vege's but I can't do squash for some reason. The only other food that I don't like is liver. If you think about the function of a liver (to detox the blood) and produce bile......why would a person want to eat this?
  • Jennjenn1974
    Jennjenn1974 Posts: 350 Member
    Cantaloupe *shudders*
  • Loveebbs
    Loveebbs Posts: 300 Member
    Oh yes, Mayonnaise is flat out evil. It should be banned.

    Agree! That is so nasty!!!!!
  • LoveleeB
    LoveleeB Posts: 560 Member
    Any & ALL types of seafood... I don't want my food to smell or taste like someone just pulled it out of the lake or ocean. ickkkk... I also hate beans... such a nasty texture!
  • Sweetcheeks278
    There are not many things that I won't eat but brussel sprouts and beets I just can't do. Just thinking of beets makes me throw up a little. :sick:
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    Wow, I love so many of the things listed here. . . . But I cannot stand cottage cheese, cooked carrots, or applesauce. Texture issues.
  • datzun
    datzun Posts: 198
    Most vegetables (especially mushrooms, beans, and peas)
    All seafood
    Cottage Cheese
    Most Asian food (minus fried rice!)

    I'm very picky. :(

    Oh, and peanut butter is delicious! ;D
  • AlwaysWanderer
    AlwaysWanderer Posts: 641 Member
    Most vegetables (especially mushrooms, beans, and peas)
    All seafood
    Cottage Cheese
    Most Asian food (minus fried rice!)

    I'm very picky. :(

    Oh, and peanut butter is delicious! ;D
  • nicxox
    nicxox Posts: 175 Member

    No, I don't understand it either. It smells heavenly - I would love to love coffee. I walk down the coffee aisle in the grocery store, or into Starbucks, and I could stay there all day. I used to work in the cafe at Barnes & Noble and LOVED it - LOVED making cappucinos, lattes, caramel macchiatos (not spelling it right but it was lots of fun to make!), etc. I love coffee flavored things - ice cream, and the cappucino that gas stations pass off as coffee (push the button, it dispenses into the cup, etc.) The stuff you actually brew, from ground beans? Forget it!! I just don't understand how those yummy-smelling beans can be turned into such a foul smelling brew. SOMETHING obviously goes wrong in the process!

    I so get this! I LOVE the smell of coffee, I love coffee flavoured ANYTHING, and I even love eating coffee beans (chocolate covered coffee beans, yum yum!). But one sip of brewed coffee and I'm gagging!
  • caterpillardreams
    caterpillardreams Posts: 476 Member
    Cottage Cheese,
    but I truly can not even stomach the smell of Cold Chocolate milk. Had an incident when I was younger, it has traumatized me for life.
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    cottage cheese
    sour cream
    I could go on and on